Department: Population and Wellbeing
Grade: M1
Connect2Luton are excited to recruit a Social Worker - Best interest assessor.
Working closely with adults within the Borough of Luton, you will fulfil the duties and responsibilities of Best Interest Assessor (BIA) / Court of Protection (CoP) Social Worker in the Adult Safeguarding Team, completing comprehensive person centred assessments to a high standard in determining whether applications made by Managing Authorities to deprive a person of their liberty meet the legal criterion and are in the person's best interests, as outlined in the Mental Capacity Act 2005, Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards, Code of Practice and subsequent case law.
Undertake the role of the BIA / CoP Social Worker in line with legislation, case law and local policy, completing all supporting assessments within statutory timescales, as outlined within the Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DoLS). Obtaining, evaluating and analysing complex evidence and differing views and weighing them appropriately in decision making, you will identify and action a proposed deprivation of liberty, assessing whether or not this is within best interest and submit relevant reports to the Supervisory Body or Court of Protection
Monitor, and support ASC Community Teams to monitor practice, to ensure recommended conditions are adhered to in accordance with legislatio...