Job Description Thejobisbased intheworkshopatourfactory inMalluskandentailstheoperationofaCNC plasmacuttingmachine,sheetmetal decoiler machinery, general metalforming equipment along with general tasks within theworkshop asa when required. These taskswould generally be, but not exclusively as listed below, Loading&Unloadingdeliveryvehicles Assistingworkcolleaguesintheexecutionoftheirduties. Workshop&yardmaintenance ThesuccessfulapplicantwillreporttotheworkshopforemanandtheManagingDirector. HoursofWork 37 Hrs per Week MondaytoThursday 08:00to16:30 Friday08:00to13:00 Theaboveworking timesareinclusiveofa10minuteteabreakanda30minutelunch break, except for Friday whenonly a 10minute tea break isincluded Holidays - 31 days per annum Responsibilities The operation of a CNC plasma cutting machine, including the loading and unloading of materials on an off the machine and the sorting of cut components. The operation of sheetmetal decoiling machinery including the loading of coils into the machine and the handling of cut materials. The operation of a spiral tube forming machine including the loading of coils into the machine and the offloading and handling of formed materials off the machine. The operation of general machinery necessary for the fabrication of ductwork components. The loading and offloading of delivery vehicles General workshop and yard tasks as required Essential Requirements The successful applicant must have the following qualifications / experience Clean driving licence The ability to read drawings and interpret the requirements of same. Good understanding of basic mathematics Good work ethic Good communication skills Being able to work as part of a team A willingness and ability to learn Additional Beneficial Experience but not Essential Metal fabrication experience Forklift operation training Oxy-acetylene and MMA welding Knowledge of building services installation