To contribute to departmental research interests in accordance with the Trusts R&D framework. To take an active role in the formulation, implementation and monitoring of the Trusts Objectives. This may include assisting with discussions regarding service plans and developments with both internal and external agencies. To conduct all activities within the contracted level of service and operating plan for the Department. To exercise professional leadership for all staff working in the specialty. This will include fostering and developing projects focused towards these ends and ensuring that the momentum of post qualification professional education and other appropriate training is maintained. To work in conjunction with clinical and professional colleagues to ensure that the productivity of staff within the specialty is maintained and their job satisfaction is enhanced. This may include involvement in the appraisal process for junior colleagues. To undertake management duties as agreed with the Clinical Director and Head of Service. To be aware of, and comply with, all Trust infection prevention and control policies, to include hand hygiene, personal hygiene, environmental and food hygiene. To undertake annual training/updates in infection prevention and control.