Managerial responsibilities:
Manage staff to provide high quality support to clinical areas. This will include the provision of medical device training programmes. Promote good working relationships and communications within all clinical areas. Chair the Trust Medical Devices Committee (MDC) in the absence of the Medical Director or Deputy and to take forward and implement any actions from the MDC as necessary.
Review and maintain the existing equipment IT system and database with a view to updating to meet future needs and Trust reporting requirements to the National Reporting and Learning System (NRLS), the MHRA and NHSE Safety network, for each of the Clinical Divisions. Ensure members of the team remain updated in relation to Fire Safety, Health and Safety, Security, and Infection Control. Participate in staff recruitment and training. Undertake staff appraisal in accordance with Trust policy.
Support the effective management of sickness and absence. Promote flexible ways of working to actively promote the retention of staff. Collect data and statistics for assurance monitoring and prepare reports for presentation at the Trust high-level committees (e.g. Quality and Safety Committee, Risk Register Committee, Audit Committee, and Trust Board).
Act as a signatory on the departmental risk and governance budget. Evaluate new equipment as required to support the equipment purchasing strategy; this will include the preparation of reports. Write or contribute to complaint responses as required. Ensure there is a robust mechanism for the distribution of Central Alerting System safety alerts and notifications, and that they are acted upon and responded to within a reasonable timescale.
Ensure there is a robust mechanism for the distribution of Field Safety Notices and that they are acted upon and responded to within a reasonable timescale. Improve reporting of and learning from medical device incidents including review of themes and trends, implementing the required actions to prevent re-occurrence of the incident.