Consultant Psychiatrist in Learning Disability
Main area: Learning Disabilities
Grade: Consultant
Contract: Permanent
Hours: Full time - 10 sessions per week
Job ref: 350-MED5856396-E
Site: Byron Ward, Hollins Park Hospital
Town: Winwick
Salary: £105,504 - £139,882 per annum plus 10% R&R (non contractual) and 1% on-call
Salary period: Yearly
Closing: 09/11/2024 23:59
Job overview
We are looking to appoint a Consultant in Learning Disability to a post comprising of a small community caseload and an inpatient unit. The post holder would be RC for Byron Ward inpatient unit, based at Hollins Park Hospital, and also a small community caseload of 75-80 patients based out of Norris Green Hub in Liverpool. The post is supported by an MDT team and junior doctors. We are looking for a committed doctor who is keen to work to develop services and improve patient care. We will be relocating to a new inpatient facility and their leadership will be vital in the running of the new unit.
Main duties of the job
* Consultant psychiatrist will have responsibility for their caseload and inpatients.
* To supervise and support team members who carry out assessments of patients referred to the team. To carry out comprehensive psychiatric assessments and provide medical interventions for patients.
* Supporting staff to manage psychiatric emergencies.
* To conduct patient reviews and lead Multidisciplinary reviews, birth planning meetings, CPA reviews, discharge planning meetings, and multi-professional meetings.
* To be the responsible clinician for the purposes of the Mental Health Act 1983 (amended 2007) and carry out duties in accordance with the code of practice.
* To carry out comprehensive Risk Assessments and participate in the Trust’s risk management processes such as Health Risk Assessment and Management Meetings (H-RAMM) and Multi Agency Public Protection Arrangement (MAPPA) Meetings if required.
* To provide medical leadership to the team.
* Maintain high level of effective communication with other parts of the Mental health service across the Trust, across maternity services and primary care.
* Liaison with families/carers.
* Liaison with aspects of the Criminal Justice System regarding patients, where necessary.
* Liaising with other stakeholders and interested parties.
Person specification
* MB BS or equivalent medical qualification.
* Qualification or higher degree in medical education, clinical research or management.
* Holds and will use a valid UK driving licence OR provides evidence of proposed alternative.
* Included on the GMC Specialist Register OR within six months.
* Approved clinician status OR able to achieve within 3 months of appointment.
* Approved under S12 OR able to achieve within 3 months of appointment.
* In good standing with GMC with respect to warning and conditions on practice.
Clinical Skills, Knowledge & Experience
* Excellent knowledge in specialty Learning Disability Psychiatry.
* Able to manage clinical complexity and uncertainty.
* Able to meet duties under MHA and MCA.
* Wide range of specialist and sub-specialist experience relevant to post within NHS or comparable service.
Academic Skills & Lifelong Learning
* Able to deliver undergraduate or postgraduate teaching and training.
* Participated in continuous professional development.
* Participated in research or service evaluation.
* Able to use and appraise clinical evidence.
* Has actively participated in clinical audit.
* Able to plan and deliver undergraduate and postgraduate teaching and training relevant to this post.
* Reflected on purpose of CPD undertaken.
* Experienced in clinical research and/or service evaluation.
* Evidence of achievement in education, research, audit and service improvement: awards, prizes, presentations and publications.
* Has led clinical audits leading to service change.