To work within the Early Intervention for Psychosis Service, but develop and maintain excellent working links with colleagues from other parts of the mental health services and from other agencies. To provide comprehensive and specialist assessment of people up to the age of 65 years referred to the Early Intervention Team with a first episode psychosis or possibly emerging psychosis. This will include the use of formal psychiatric and psychological rating scales, as well as liaison with carers and staff from other agencies that may be involved with the young person. To plan, prioritise and deliver specialist programmes of care to people up to the age of 65 years for a three year period following a first episode of psychosis. This will include case formulation, design of intervention, delivery and evaluation. As care co-ordinator, you will be involved in co-ordinating multi agency input around the persons needs and will be responsible for your caseload within the community. To work with and on behalf of young people in a way that promotes and develops their efforts, resources and quality of life. To deliver services in a manner that is appropriate, relevant and respectful to all community members, recognising diversity of ethnicity, culture, belief, privilege and capacity. To liaise and where appropriate work in partnership with staff from other statutory services, voluntary agencies and community groups that work with adolescents, including education, in planning, providing and assessing programmes of care. To work in a collaborative way with other members of the Early Intervention for Psychosis Service team and staff from other agencies on the particular needs of people with psychosis and their families / carers. To provide advice and to assist other members of the Early Intervention for Psychosis Service with interventions which draw on own specialist professional knowledge (for example, an occupational therapist specialist would be expected to advice on and carry out specialist occupational and vocational assessments). To work with other members of the Early Intervention for Psychosis Service, to develop and facilitate clinical groups and workshops as appropriate. To provide advice and support to carers/ relatives of young people, and to provide structured family interventions to families where a young person has a first episode or emerging psychosis. To participate in clinical meetings e.g. CPA and client reviews as appropriate. To support the full implementation of the Care Programme Approach. To assist in the transfer of appropriate cases between services, in keeping with need and service user wishes.