Who we are; CareTech supports adults with complex needs and care for children and young people, offering carefully designed programmes in specialist services, many of which have schools and residential services attached. Our services include modern outward looking residential care for children, young people and adults and we operate a significant range of supported living schemes that include individual flats, houses and grouped accommodation arrangements. The portfolio of services we offer includes an acute brain injury rehabilitation centre, specialist services hospitals, residential children’s homes and specialist education schools teaching hundreds of students. A maintenance operative carries the responsibility for the of the domestic repairs & maintenance upkeep of the premises, minor projects within the site complex and all compliancy needed for the running of the site. Summary of Responsibilities To ensure that all parts of the environment are safe, welcoming, clean, hygienic, in good repair and sensitive to the needs of the students being looked after To provide, high professional standards of record keeping, and reports related to the site. To participate in and undertake regular audits of the quality systems as necessary. To undertake regular inspections and address works from contractors which fall below required standard. To ensure compliance with all current and prevailing national regulations and inspection standards, relevant to core functions, for this type of establishment. To ensure compliance with all current and prevailing national regulations for Environmental Health and the standards of the regulatory body for inspections To take responsibility, and manage Maintenance you work loads, to provide effective and pro-active works To liaise closely with the Regional Facilities Manager on larger projects and seek the Facilities Manager’s regular assistance with technical matters on repair, maintenance or improvement projects. To identify projects around the facility that will improve the image, functionality, operational or educational efficiency use of the facility for staff, students or visitors. To ensure that projects are completed within programme, and that areas occupied by contractors / suppliers are left in good condition. To manage the up keep of the grounds General To attend work reliably and punctually and to follow a work pattern as required to fulfil the role which may include working overtime if the need arises. To know where to access Cambian Group policies, to keep yourself up to date with all procedures and policy changes and to be aware of and follow their contents To develop own practice through the supervision and appraisal process, ensuring your continuous professional development needs are identified and addressed. Use an appropriate level of confidentiality where personal information is involved with regard to both individuals in our care and employees. To ensure that people with whom you have contact have equal opportunities, to acknowledge their individual differences and uphold their rights and responsibilities, including the right not to be discriminated against, as set out in law and by Cambian Group policies. To contribute fully to effective team working by striving to build and maintain positive relationships. To carry out, as and when required, any additional tasks and responsibilities as are reasonably compatible with this job description and its objectives. Health and Safety To contribute to and oversee the maintenance of safe and secure learning and care environments. This includes taking the appropriate action in the event of an emergency. A duty exists (under Health & Safety legislation) to take reasonable care for the health and safety of yourself and that of others. This implies taking positive steps to understand the hazards in the workplace, to evaluate and take action to reduce the risks. It is expected that you comply with safety rules and procedures and to ensure that nothing you do, or fail to do, puts yourself or others at risk. Safeguarding It is everyone’s responsibility to ensure that everything possible is done to protect individuals in our care from abuse of a physical, sexual, neglectful, financial or institutional nature. This includes an absolute requirement to report any incident of this nature you witness, hear about or suspect. The contribution of this role: Way in which this role is carried out will have a direct and highly significant effect on the quality of the entire service provided by the company, and bear directly on how well-equipped teams feel to carry out the jobs they are employed to do. You will therefore be making a very important contribution to other employees, to matters effecting individuals in our care and their experience of with us, and to the reputation and achievements of all establishments and the Cambian Group as a whole.