Cambridge Digital Humanities (CDH), a research centre based in the School of Arts and Humanities, and Cambridge Film & Screen (CFS), in coordination with the Faculty of Modern and Medieval Languages and Linguistics (MMLL), seek to appoint an Assistant Professor in Digital Humanities and Film and Screen Studies.
This collaborative appointment will broaden and deepen teaching and research at CDH and at CFS and build intersections between the centres.
We welcome applicants with specialisation in one or more of the following areas: digital media theory; the moving image beyond the cinema; media infrastructures; algorithmic justice (including intersections with race, gender, sexuality and disability); AI and the image.
We welcome applicants whose research demonstrates potential for collaborative, cross disciplinary work.
The successful candidate should have an excellent research and publication record commensurate with career stage, strong potential to win funding, and teaching experience.
Responsibilities Include:
* Designing/delivering MPhil modules for Digital Humanities and Film and Screen Studies
* Supervising/examining MPhils
* PG supervision
* Acting as Director of the MPhil in Digital Humanities or the MPhil in Film and Screen Studies as required
* Teaching on undergraduate film and media papers taught in MMLL, and piloting undergraduate digital humanities activities
* Teaching- and research-related administration
The successful candidate will be appointed to MMLL. Their time will be divided evenly between MMLL and CDH. Primary teaching and supervision responsibilities will be directed at postgraduate students in both institutions.
To Be Considered Please Upload The Following Documents:
* A covering letter, which should elaborate your research and teaching interests
* Your CV, which should include a list of key publications, and the names and contact details of three referees
* A writing sample of 8,000 words maximum
Informal enquiries are welcomed. Write: Professor Caroline Bassett, Director of Cambridge Digital Humanities, (, or Professor John David Rhodes, Director of Cambridge Film and Screen and co-chair of MMLL, ( If you have any queries regarding the application process please contact the Schools HR team at
The closing date for applications is midnight (GMT) on Tuesday 15 April 2025. Interviews are planned for Thursday, 29 May 2025, in Cambridge, subject to change.
Click the 'Apply' button below to register an account with our recruitment system (if you have not already) and apply online.
Please quote reference GP45311 on your application and in any correspondence about this vacancy.
The University actively supports equality, diversity and inclusion and we particularly welcome applications from candidates from a Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic background for this vacancy as people from these backgrounds are currently underrepresented at this level in our Faculty. Details of some of the family-friendly policies operated by the University are at:
The University has a responsibility to ensure that all employees are eligible to live and work in the UK.