Further details in attached Job description. What our Darzi Fellow says about Medway as a place to learn and work: "My name is Aranghan Lingham, and I am the Darzi fellow at Medway NHS Foundation Trust. I took on this fantastic opportunity via an out of programme experience between my ST6 and ST7 years as an orthopaedic specialty training registrar. This has been an incredible year that I would highly recommend to anyone who is curious, would love taking an academic approach to learning about systems, organizations, and people outside of their routine clinical practise, and someone who sees themselves as having a leadership role within the NHS in the future. Overall the programme has enabled me to better understand myself and the system I work in, learn and apply organizational change strategies in practise, and build communities and networks with my peers and mentors from all backgrounds and levels. At Medway NHS foundation trust, Alison (our CMO) along with numerous other people, have been hugely supportive of my development as a leader, and have really enabled me to explore, take on, and deliver critical complex system organizational change work to improve the quality of care for patients. I spent most of my time working with a number of different teams in the trust on several quality improvement projects, spent a session a week delivering patient care in orthopaedics, and some time in my academic commitments at London Southbank University. At London Southbank University, we took an adult learning inquiry based very interactive approach to a wide breadth of topics which together contributing to health, including but not limited to inequality, economics, psychology, philosophy, organisational management, coproduction, ergonomics, law, and patient safety. We have had a variety of workshops, guest speakers, site visits, and collaborative learning where our experiences, together with those of our peers, patients, and facilitators, really brought about incredibly insights and learning. I look forwards to continuing my learning as a leader in the NHS in my future career!"