* The purpose of the project is to deliver a service that monitors the condition of Sites of Specific Scientific Interest. Specifically, the project has the following broad objectives:
* To ensure surveys are built in alignment with site monitoring specifications, providing data governance that ensures survey attribute consistency across feature types where appropriate.
Activity Overview
* The following specific deliverables must be completed:
* Solution Design documentation articulating the technical components to be used to perform the following business processes:
* digitisation of monitoring specification
* creation of a survey instance
* survey data collection
* analysis of survey data
* recording of condition assessment and pressure action plan
* supporting reporting requirements
* interface design to ensure data is moved throughout various parts of the solution where appropriate.
* how the technical solution addresses each non-functional requirement, including a security plan.
* Documentation of solution architecture decisions, standards and principles
* Documentation of infrastructure components, such as environment design and deployment strategy, and leading on engagement with CCOE for infrastructure implementation.