We currently need cover in the Blackburn, BB1 for OOHS sessions. See details below:
No Visits
Clinical advice: Based at the main triage site in BB1, assisting with OOh's triage calls - only emergency f2f would ever be required from what you have triaged. But this doesn't ever happen.
Surgery: Standard GP surgery set up 15 minute appointments and bring in own patients for only essential f2f.
Free Parking: On site at all times.
Job Types: Part-time, Zero hours contract.
Why choose Applocum?
1. Weekly payment
2. Easy registration process
3. Referral and loyalty bonus
4. Competitive rates
5. 24/7 service
6. Dedicated consultant
7. App available for download now – complete compliance, apply for sessions, submit hours.
8. Always looking to go the extra mile for you!
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