Key Responsibilities Provide strategic advice and guidance on Commercial matters at a senior level within the organisation up to and including executive/board level working alongside the trusts Commercial Director. Provide professional leadership and advice on all aspects of Commercial matters to other CFO directorate staff, senior managers and Directors of the Trust. Lead on the development of Commercial activities. Advise, negotiate and act for the Trust on highly complex PFI, FM, Capital and Commercial issues locally, regionally and nationally. Participate in Trust initiatives aimed at improving services, value, reducing cost or generating revenue and ensure incorporation into Commercial propositions Monitor changes in legislation, complex technical guidance, NHS standards and local developments, interpret, assess and ensure they are reflected, where necessary by negotiation with NHS core functions and Partners Lead on commercial aspects of new propositions and projects. Support the Trust in identification and delivery of cost saving initiatives. Please note, this position has also been advertised on the Isle of Wight NHS Trusts jobs page. If you are interested in this position and wish to apply, there is no requirement for you to submit two separate applications.