The following posts are available for support staff at this successful High School, to start as soon as possible: Attainment Manager (Permanent Contract) (2 Posts) Grade 4, (39.2 working weeks) (part-time employment negotiable) FTE Salary is £24,790 - £25,183 Post 1: 37 hours per week (Pro Rata Salary is £21,527 - £22,524) Post 2: 32.5 hours per week (Pro Rata Salary is £18,909 - £19,785) Please specify which post you are applying for on your Application Form. Purpose: Provide specific support to students with SEN across Key Stage 3-5 in the classroom and SEN base either on a 1:1 basis or in small groups. Provide invigilation to students who have access arrangements during assessments and examinations. Modify work for visually impaired students as required (training will be given). Report to line manager and undergo training and CPD as necessary to the role. Support to Students • Provide pastoral support to students within the school environment. • Implement structured provision in accordance with individual support plans under the direction of teaching staff whilst administering in-class support. • Provide intervention and share the lead on lunch club and homework club. • To contribute to raising standards by ensuring high expectations are promoted to students. • Provide general support to students ensuring their safety, by complying with good health and safety and safeguarding practice. • Support and counsel students, for students to talk and report any issues that they have. • Report any issues raised by students during confidential discussions promptly in accordance with the safeguarding policy. • Encourage students to interact with others and engage in activities led by the teacher. • Support students through examinations. • Assist with transition from Key Stage 2 to Key Stage 3. • Communicate with parents as necessary. • Act as a qualified First Aider. Cannock Chase High School is an 11–19 mixed comprehensive school with around 1070 students on roll. Students and staff are warm, open and supportive to one another and proud of their school. We were judged as 'good' in our most recent Ofsted inspection and behaviour was described as 'exemplary'. Mutual respect is a key feature of our relationships here. Please refer to the following documentation, when completing an application for this post: 1. Application Guidance Notes; 2. Job Description and Person Specification. A successful application will include: 1. A completed School Application Form; 2. A Letter of Application (of no more than two sides of A4), outlining how your skills and experience to date meet the requirements of this post. Cannock Chase High School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of young people. All appointments are subject to an enhanced Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) clearance. The job description and person specification are available from the Headteacher at the school or via the website: All applications must be on the school Application Form (which is also available from the school or via the website), CVs alone are not acceptable. Completed applications are to be e-mailed to Iain Turnbull, Headteacher, at Closing date: Monday 24 March 2025, 3.00pm (Interviews to be held Friday 28 March 2025)