Job summary
Anopportunity has arisen for an experienced consultant psychiatrist to become AssociateMedical Director (AMD) in CAMHS and work as part of the collective leadership team whichwill ensure that effective and safe patient care is delivered in a person-centredmanner ensuring that decision making is as close to the patient as possible. TheAssociate Medical Director will be working within a care group model as partof a collective leadership team (CLT), working to organisational requirements whilstinfluencing areas of direct operational managerial responsibility and clinicalpathways with a proportionally shared accountability and responsibility for thequality delivery of services.
Applicantswith experience in Adult, Older People, Children and Young People LearningDisability and Autism services are welcome to apply. The substantive clinical base of the successfulcandidate will depend upon their specialty and vacant posts at the time ofinterview. The weekly job plan for the successful candidate will be discussedon an individual basis and can be adapted flexibly.
Currently this position is set at 1 PA, please note the framework is under review and this may change.
Main duties of the job
The Associate Medical Director will be expected todisplay the Trust values at all times. They will workas part of the collective leadership team which will ensure that effective andsafe patient care is delivered in a person-centred manner ensuring thatdecision making is as close to the patient as possible.
The Associate Medical Director willprovide a visible, accessible and authoritative presence in clinical areas uponwhich service users can rely to ensure that the fundamentals of care are right.
The post holder will support the Lead Psychiatrists to provideprofessional advice on medical matters with responsibility for leading the medicalworkforce in their specialty or specific area of responsibility, ensuring continuousprofessional developments and clinical supervision practices and structures arein place and accessible for all doctors.
In addition, they will support the Lead Psychiatrists to facilitate all doctors to be adherent with the professional fitness to practiceobligations in line with GMC revalidation requirements.
The post holder will be responsible for the line managementof all medics within their Care Group specialty. They will also support theLead Psychiatrists in providing professional supervision, guidance, and thecompletion of job planning.
About us
We areTees, Esk and Wear Valleys NHS Foundation Trust. We provide mental health, learningdisability and Autism services to people of all ages. We deliver a range ofcommunity and in-patient care across adult mental health, children and youngpeoples services, mental health services for older people and forensicservices. We have over 7,000 staffworking across more than 90 sites. With an annual operating income of over £420million, we work in partnership with local authorities, clinical commissioninggroups, voluntary organisations, the private sector, as well as people who useour services, their families and carers.
Date posted
19 March 2025
Pay scheme
Hospital medical and dental staff
Depending on experience
Fixed term
3 years
Working pattern
Full-time, Part-time, Job share, Flexible working
Reference number
Job locations
Foss Park Hospital
Haxby Road
YO31 8TA
Job description
Job responsibilities
The Associate Medical Director will be expected todisplay the Trust values at all times. They will workas part of the collective leadership team which will ensure that effective andsafe patient care is delivered in a person-centred manner ensuring thatdecision making is as close to the patient as possible.
The Associate MedicalDirector will be working within a care group model as part of a collectiveleadership team (CLT), working to organisational requirements whilstinfluencing areas of direct operational managerial responsibility and clinicalpathways with a proportionally shared accountability and responsibility for thequality delivery of services. Withinthe team, they will be the senior professional lead for doctors within their servicewith professional responsibility for standards of medical practice across all inpatientand Community teams. They will also lead on quality and safety developmentsacross services.
The Associate Medical Director and the CLT willprovide a visible, accessible and authoritative presence in clinical areas uponwhich service users can rely to ensure that the fundamentals of care are right.
The post holder will support the Lead Psychiatrist to provideprofessional advice on medical matters with responsibility for leading the medicalworkforce in their specialty or specific area of responsibility, ensuring continuousprofessional developments and clinical supervision practices and structures arein place and accessible for all doctors.
Workingclosely with the CLT, they will ensure the provision of services within anintegrated governance framework that is safe, effective and efficient and maintainsstandards against a broad range oflocal, national and statutory requirements and policies.
In addition, they will support the Lead Psychiatristto facilitate all doctors to be adherent with the professional fitness to practiceobligations in line with GMC revalidation requirements.
Actas the link between the services and the Medical Directorate in relation to specificareas of responsibility including workforce planning and performance management.
The Post Holder, with Lead Psychiatrists, will take medicalresponsibility for attending relevant governance groups within their CLT ensuringthere is a consistent approach to high quality, compliant, safe and effectivepractice.
The Post Holder will be responsible for the line managementof all medics within their Care Group specialty. They will also support theLead Psychiatrists in providing professional supervision, guidance, and thecompletion of job planning.
The AMD will participate in meetings for, and jointlysign off, the job plan for Multi-Professional Approved Clinicians.
The role will act as a conduit between those responsiblefor the delivery of medical education in their Care Group and the AssociateDirector of Medical Education.
The post holder will be committed to ensuring theprovision of excellence in person centred care that will include the promotionof recovery, social inclusion and normalisation across all areas of psychiatry inthe care group. This will be facilitated by close working with AMDs in otherspecialties and the specialty Clinical Networks.
They will deputise for the GroupMedical Director at relevant forums both internally and external to the Trust asrequired and act as a strategic lead as necessary in areas of service delivery anddevelopment from time to time.
Inall of the above the post holder will be expected to act collectively, collaborativelyand effectively within all portfolio areas and to be able to challenge currentthinking positively and creatively in order to continuously improve policy andoperational working practices.
TheTrust acknowledges the post holders primary role as a Clinician and how thismight influence the availability for all of the above roles and functions.
Person Specification
1. Medical Degree and registered on specialist register
2. Current registration with the GMC or other regulatory body
3. Evidence of training within Management Leadership
4. Evidence of continuing professional and personal development
5. Postgraduate qualifications in areas relevant to post, eg: Leadership or Education TEWV QIS
6. Certified Leader (or within agreed timescale)
7. 3 years experience at consultant level, with at least 2 of those in a medical management or educational management role.
8. Working collaboratively with statutory, voluntary and private sector agencies.
9. Teaching and training.
10. Participation and supervision of quality and service improvement initiatives
11. Experience of strategic management and leadership across multiple systems
12. Managing quality and assurance governance issues
13. Developing policy and services within a healthcare organisation.
14. Leading organisational change, including internal and external consultation processes.
15. Representing a healthcare organisation at external forums.
16. Managing highly complex human resources and financial management issues within a healthcare setting.
17. Undertaking research and development activities.
18. Working at a strategic level on a range of clinical and management issues.