We’re looking for you serious cyclist. You love the metrics and know how to push your clients through the energy zones. You need to be confident in creating a class that takes members on the ultimate ride utilising the tools available to you such as cadence, heart rate and power.
Our signature programs are structured to further support your growth and development as a group fitness coach at Virgin Active. You’ll experience first-hand that we Engage through Heartfelt Service. Empower with Red Hot passion and inspiration. Excite with respect, creativity and energy. They’re innovative and make exercise irresistible for our members.
We're looking for instructors to cover XXXXXX.
The Program:
* A member-focused, entertaining journey
* Exhibits the essence of cycling
* Offers improved strength, speed, power, stamina and focus
* Athletic, but accessible, motivational and entertaining
The Member Experience:
* Creative programs to prevent plateau and boredom
* Increased metabolic effect
* Improved overall health, fitness and sense of well-being
* Fun, motivating and entertaining
What we can’t live without:
* Must be passionate about fitness and cycling
* Must have a desire to coach
* Must live out our values by Engaging (Heartfelt Service), Empowering (Red Hot) and Exciting (Delightfully Surprising) our members and teammates
* Cycling and Level 2 Fitness Qualification minimum OR equivalent experience
* Musicality - your music must inspire and uplift our members all the way to the last beat
* Excellent technique
* Dynamic personality to motivate and ‘coach’ participants
* Must have a can-do, get-it-done positive attitude
Ready to get involved and bring the experience to life for our members? If so, click Apply Now!