The post holder would be expected to have Section 12 MHA and Approved Clinician status or be expected to undertake training to obtain Section 12(2) MHA/Approved Clinician as part of their essential duties and will be expected to renew this approval according to agreed Accountability for the direct delivery of clinical care, by providing a visible, accessible, authoritative and professional clinical leadership to the CAMHS community team in the East of the county, ensuring high standards of clinical practice. Provide specific professional and expert clinical opinion and advice on a range of problems, including those young people with complex needs to professionals working within the CAMHS sector. Working with other senior members of the community team, they are responsible for ensuring referrals are risk assessed and allocated to the most appropriate clinician in a timely manner. Working with other senior members of the community team, be responsible for ensuring there is effective communication both within the team and with referring and receiving teams, including the RAFT and Liaison teams. To promote effective multi-disciplinary team To work co-operatively with colleagues and to respect and value their contribution to patient care. To maintain close relationships with GPs / primary To work closely with colleagues in Education and Children's Social Care as well as Somerset Drug and Alcohol Service (SDAS), Early Intervention in Psychosis (STEP), Talking Therapies and Adult Mental Health services. To be available to patients, families and carers, to provide information and To provide cross-cover during the day time for colleagues' non- working days, annual leave and other authorised absences. There are cross cover arrangements on the East and across the county and inpatient services to ensure that there is Consultant/ AC Monday- Friday psychiatry advice and availability. The middle grades also provide some of this cover for S12. There is a dedicated full time psychiatrist based in the Liaison and Enhanced Outreach teams. When this doctor is on leave, then the patch community consultant will be contacted to provide psychiatric assessment such as in the emergency department or Section 136 suite. When the Wessex House inpatient consultant psychiatrist is on leave, the post holder will contribute to the Responsible Clinician Cover arrangements for the ward day time. To participate in the development of arrangements to support the transition of young people into the adult mental health service Undertake Medical Audit and Multi-Disciplinary audit Fulfil the duties of the weekly timetable.