Collect, open and scan post for the Experience Team. Read incoming Having Your Say (HYS) forms and pass any concerns to Team Leaders and any complaints to PALS and Complaints. Input HYS forms, Friends and Family Test (FFT) surveys and other surveys onto the Experience dashboard then file the originals. Answer telephone queries and emails from staff about the Experience dashboard and experience queries. Provide a point of contact for all teams across the Trust about HYS and the Experience dashboard. Assist service users and carers to complete HYS forms over the phone. Send out HYS forms and FFT cards when requested by the teams, label surveys and liaise with volunteers. Support the Experience Volunteer. Keep data/information systems up-to-date and store information correctly and safely. Update and maintain filing systems. Provide administrative support to the Experience Team. Maintain stocks of surveys and update relevant stock takes. Check the HYS and compliments inboxes daily and deal with any queries. Input compliments into the Experience dashboard. Set up accounts for staff members for the Experience dashboard. Set up survey QR codes and links for teams on request. Set up push reports on request. Send complaints evaluation surveys. Assist the Experience Coordinator and Experience Lead in creating surveys on the Experience dashboard.