Band 2 MSW - Hampshire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Location:Basingstoke and North Hampshire Hospital
The role will include working shifts, days and nights including weekends and bank holidays. Shift timings are 0730-2000 or 1930-0800
· Toassistthemidwivesandsupportthewoman,herfamilyandcolleaguesthroughallmaternityservicesincluding adverseoutcomes,i.e.stillbirth,miscarriage,following appropriatetraining.
· Toensureasafeclinical environmentandhighstandardofpersonal careforwomen,theirbabiesandtheirfamiliesinallclinicalareas.
· Toassistmothersinthemaintenanceofpersonalhygieneandphysicalcomfortat alltimes.
· Participateintheactivitiesnecessarytoensuresafecareisprovidedtowomenantenatal,atbirthandpostnatal,anddemonstrateanabilitytorecognizeobstetricorneonatalemergenciesandrespondappropriately,i.e.calling foremergencyhelp,contacting,byphone,theemergencyteam.
• Assistintheeducationofmothersandtheirpartnerswiththedemonstrationofbasicfunctionsregarding careoftheirnewborninfant,attherequestof,andunderthedirectsupervisionof,themidwife.
· Carryout,andaccuratelyrecord on a MEOW’s chart,maternalclinical measurements(Blood pressure, pulse, temperature, respiration rate, oxygen saturations, identifying blood loss/severity of pain and urinalysis)attherequestofthemidwife,following therelevanttraining.
· Carry out, and accurately record on a NEWTT chart, neonatal clinical measurements (heart rate, respiration rate and temperature) at the request of, and under the direct supervision of, the midwife.
· Aspartofthemulti-disciplinaryteam,assistintheeducationandsupportofthemotherandherpartnerwithinfantfeeding,following therelevanttraining.
· Completion of the maternity support worker development programme – induction to the trust and care certification with appropriate training and support.
What we Offer:
• Be part of a dynamic, professional and supportive team committed to providing high standards of care and also committed to the training and development of our Maternity Support Worker.
• In-house opportunities to develop skills and knowledge within a supportive and friendly environment
Who we are:A highly motivated midwifery team, committed to providing a high standard of care, and constantly striving to deliver a memorable patient experience whilst supporting women and their families in all areas of maternity care.
About the trust:
Hampshire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust (HHFT) provides hospital services to around 570,000 people living in Hampshire and parts of West Berkshire, and specialist services to patients from all over the country.
We deliver a full range of district hospital services in a variety of locations.
The vision at Hampshire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust is to provide outstanding care for every patient. We serve a population of nearly 600,000 people across Hampshire and West Berkshire as well as some people who access our specialist services from across the country.
Four core values (CARE) Compassion, Accountability, Respect and Encourage. These are in place to support of four clear objectives, provide outstanding care of patients, empowering all members of staff, sustainable growth and innovating for the future.
Further information about the Trust and this role can be found on the Job Description and Person Specification document attached.
This advert closes on Thursday 20 Mar 2025