JOB TITLE: Inclusion Mentor
GRADE: SCP 7 to 17 (£17,302 to £20,490 Actual annual salary subject to NJC pay award TBC)
CONTRACT : 30 Hours per week, Term Time Only, 5 days per week plus INSET days. Applications requiring flexibility on working days will also be considered.
1. Student Guidance and Support and Working with School Staff
* Develop and use strategies to manage and support pupils with additional communication, social and emotional needs
* Develop a 1:1 primarily-classroom-based mentoring relationship with identified students
* Draw up agreed action plans with students outlining the aims of the mentoring
* Assist in the assess, plan, do, review cycle including EHCP reviews
* Work directly with individuals or groups to raise self-esteem and confidence of pupils with a view to improving their personal and social skills
* Support with the liaison with parents regarding behaviour incidents.
* Ensure efficient communications regarding student mentoring and welfare with relevant members of staff
* Complete and maintain all administrative tasks associated with the role
* Adhere to the ethos of the school
* Promote the agreed vision and aims of the school
* Set an example of personal integrity and professionalism