The post holder will be a core member of the Head & Neck and Endocrine Cancer Multidisciplinary Team, responsible for the provision of high quality, patient centred care; ensuring patients/carers living with Head & Neck cancer have access to expert information, advice and support from the point of suspicion of cancer.
The post holder will act as the main point of contact, using advanced communication skills to co-ordinate the patients’ pathway from the point of diagnosis, liaising with members of the MDT, other healthcare professionals across primary, secondary care and the voluntary sector to ensure a seamless service for patients and their families.
Responsibilities include:
1. Implementing the key elements of personalised care for patients living with Head & Neck cancer.
2. Acting as the line manager for the Macmillan Head & Neck service.
3. Ensuring everyone diagnosed with Head & Neck cancer receives a supported conversation about their needs, repeated as their needs change.
4. Undertaking a comprehensive holistic assessment of patient’s needs (HNA) at key stages during the illness experience from the point of diagnosis in line with National directives.
5. Agreeing a plan of care in consultation with the patient/family, ensuring a written copy is available for the patient.
6. Attending the weekly Head & Neck cancer multidisciplinary team meeting, contributing to the discussion, providing expert nursing opinion on the patients’ assessment and care.
7. Screening patients for psychological distress using a recognised tool.
8. Providing Level 2 psychological support for patients and their carers, referring patients with complex needs to the Macmillan Clinical Psychologist.
9. Supporting the generation of an “End of Treatment Summary” for patients following each modality of treatment, ensuring their ongoing needs are identified and addressed.
10. Responding to EAU alerts for patients with Head & Neck cancer, providing specialist information and support, co-ordinating their pathway from the point of admission.
11. Leading the development of specialist Health & Wellbeing events for patients living with Head & Neck cancer, ensuring they are tailored to meet their individual needs.
12. Using advanced communication skills to support patients in the development of an Advance Care Plan, identifying their preferences and wishes.
13. Initiating proactive telephone support for patients in the palliative stage of their disease, identifying new or progression of symptoms providing specialist advice and support.
14. Promoting a culture that supports and enables self-management.
15. Utilising patient/carer experience feedback to drive innovation and change.
16. Promoting self-management, risk stratifying patients into who can self-manage following education, those who will need guided support to self-manage, and those who will require ongoing face-to-face support.
17. Adhering to the NMC Code of Professional Conduct and other national regulations.
18. Participating in the formal review process and planning future personal development and competencies to be achieved, actively engaging with the learning and development opportunities offered by Macmillan.
19. Acting as a specialist resource for healthcare professionals relating to Head & Neck cancer, providing expert nursing advice and support.
20. Promoting collaborative working relationships and effective communication between all members of the Head & Neck cancer multidisciplinary team and across different boundaries of care.
21. Acting as a role model demonstrating high standards of holistic care, providing clinical leadership in Head & Neck cancer.
22. Supporting the development of the Band 6 Macmillan Head & Neck Nurses/Support Worker, undertaking their appraisal and agreeing areas for development.
23. Becoming acquainted with the local and regional pathways for patients with Head & Neck cancer including knowledge of contact points for referral and advice.
24. Ensuring that people affected by cancer are aware that they are interacting with a Macmillan Professional and know the full range of resources and services available through Macmillan.
25. Demonstrating advanced practice in planning, implementing and evaluating nursing care, documenting the outcomes of consultations in the hospital notes and on the Somerset Cancer Registry.
26. Challenging and demonstrating an ability to work across organisational and professional boundaries.
27. Identifying own personal development needs to work at specialist level and taking appropriate action to ensure that these are met.
Northampton General Hospital NHS Trust is one of the largest employers in the area and we are on an exciting journey. All our divisions are committed to doing things better, with more efficiency as we update, modernise, and advance. We have also entered a Group Model with neighbouring Kettering General Hospital NHS Foundation Trust and become University Hospitals of Northamptonshire.
Our Excellence Values:
1. Compassion
2. Accountability
3. Respect
4. Integrity
5. Courage
We want to recruit the best people to deliver our services across the University Hospitals of Northamptonshire and help to unleash everyone's full potential.