Clinical duties will include two outpatient clinics per week, one formal ward round and three to four operating sessions. The fellow may participate in a fracture clinic a week and there will be time available for research. There will be an on-call emergency duty commitment attached to this post on a 24-hour partial shift rota with the other Specialist Registrars and Staff Grades. There is a daily meeting at 7:45 am to discuss management of trauma admitted during the previous 24 hours. The Shoulder Fellow will be expected to take part in these and to contribute to the teaching of the junior staff. The applicant will be expected to be computer literate. The applicant should be post FRCS (Orth) or equivalent and following or close to CCT accreditation. The post is for six months, extendible to a one year. The Fellow is expected to actively participate in, initiate and continue research projects within the unit (both prospective and retrospective research). They will also be expected to complete projects and present and publish the results. The post offers exposure to high volume elective shoulder and elbow cases, including complex arthroscopic and primary/revision arthroplasty procedures. There is a dedicated upper limb trauma list devoted to shoulder and elbow trauma each week. In addition, there are opportunities to treat general trauma cases as part of the on-call system. The pay will be at Specialist Registrar level with a Banding Payment of 1A (50%). Funds may be available for research projects.