1. Overview
This project includes Food Hygiene and Standards inspections and Hazard spotting for Health and Safety of Category C to E, rated food businesses.
The food hygiene and standards inspections are to be carried out in accordance with the Food Standards Agency Food Law Code of Practice, Practice Guidance and the Bromley Food Team Inspection procedure. When calculating food hygiene ratings, you are also to refer to the Brand Standard.
A food standards inspection is to be combined with a food hygiene inspection where it is due, overdue or the business is unrated.
Health and safety hazard spotting is to be carried out and recorded on CAPS Uniform where significant offences have been noted. If you feel that emergency enforcement action is required, this is to be discussed with the Health & Safety team.
The contract will be offered on a payment per inspection with an additional payment for inputting and scanning inspection documents and for void inspections. An average of 3 to 4 inspections per working day including data entry is expected as a minimum, when inspecting compliant businesses. You have flexibly on how you organise your working day. E.g., when doing evening inspections, you can start later in the day doing an afternoon inspection beforehand as payment is per inspection, not an hourly rate.
2. Follow-up Work
All inspections, visits and actions are to be recorded on CAPS Uniform and paperwork Idoxed, in a timely fashion and by the end of the working week.
Revisits will be carried out by permanent officers on premises rated 0-2 to secure compliance with food safety legislation, in line with our inspection procedure. Warning letters will be sent by the teams permanent officers for these premises.
Where you have encountered difficulties or where FHINs or other formal action is required, this is to be discussed with the teams manager.
Your inspections will be monitored by the food team manager.