DEPARTMENT:Acute Visiting service (AVS) JOB TITLE:AVS Advanced Care Practitioner BASE:St Ives House Blackburn REPORTS TO:AVS Supervisor (on shift) RESPONSIBLE TO: Operations Manager MAIN DUTIES: Provide consultations within the Acute Visiting Service operated by ELMS Make differential diagnosis using decision and problem solving skills Take responsibility for patients health assessment and physical examination, the diagnosis of their condition and its management Keep accurate contemporaneous records Make professionally autonomous decisions and to be accountable for these Using evidence based guidelines, provide a management plan with the patient Screen the patient for disease risk factors and early signs of illness Order investigations as necessary and provide treatment and care in liaison with other primary and secondary care agencies Enable patients to carry out self-care as appropriate, through effective communication Review patient medication in accordance with the practice and CCG guidelines To collect data, and provide service information to the senior leadership team as required To have good interpersonal skills and communicate effectively with the immediate and wider team To be IT literate and undertake appropriate training to use local IT resources The post holder to ensure they understand the correct use of all the equipment used in the service, to request further training if needed and to report any technical problems or issues with that equipment To recognise that promoting the welfare and safeguarding of adults is everyone's business and access training and supervision as appropriate to the role. To carry out any other tasks as reasonably directed and after individual discussion Non-Medical Prescribing - The post holder will work as a Non-Medical Prescriber. They will work within their competence and use best practice national and local guidelines They will only prescribe for patients that they have spoken to or seen face to face. They will work with the CCG Medicines Management advice and local prescribing guidance, acting on alerts where necessary They will be indemnified by the organisation They will comply with all statutory responsibilities and provide evidence as necessary to the NMP lead They will comply with the organisational requirements, supporting the NMP lead to assure the organisation of competence and compliance with all statutory and local requirements of the NMP role. This includes meeting the requirements for the competency framework for non-medical prescribers and submitting annual declaration forms to ELMS. They will support the NMP Lead by engaging in CPD and networking forums to support their own personal development and ensure information sharing Statutory Requirements Work to the Code of Professional Conduct Belong to RCN /MDU for professional indemnity Work in accordance with practice, local and national policy Record all information accurately and in accordance to practice and professional policies Work in partnership with all other members of the multidisciplinary team Work across role boundaries to provide health care sensitive to local population needs Promote communication links with ICB / ELHT and other agencies Participate in staff appraisal as required. Provide proof of Hep B immunity as required. Complete Statutory and Mandatory Training Professional Development Maintain professional development in line with Post Registration Education and Practice (PREP) Maintain professional portfolio To continue professional development through a variety of strategies including study days, clinical placement, lectures, courses in consultation with partners To promote the development of the Nurse Practitioner role within the organisation and with external partners Maintain high standards of care on evidence based practice through the use of research and an up to date awareness of appropriate nursing literature Engage with the Revalidation process for nurses and comply with the requirements for revalidation. HEALTH AND SAFETY: The post holder will be required to observe local Health and Safety arrangements and take reasonable care of him/herself and persons that may be affected by his/her work COMMUNICATION: PERFORMANCE REVIEW In accordance with the National Quality requirements in Out of Hours all clinician participation will be audited and this job description will be used as a basis for individual performance review between the post holder and the manager. The organisation aims to maintain the goodwill and confidence of its own staff, service users and the general public. To assist in achieving the objective it is essential that at all times employees carry out their duties in a courteous and sympathetic manner. The post holder will carry out their duties in accordance with the Equal Opportunities Policy respecting the differing backgrounds of colleagues and patients. TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT: All ELMS staff including OOH NPs must complete all mandatory training as set by ELMS To participate in personal development reviews and maintain a personal development portfolio ORGANISATIONAL RESPONSIBILITIES: CONFIDENTIALITY ELMS employees are required to ensure that information about patients is safeguarded to maintain confidentiality and is kept securely in accordance with NHS requirements of 1999. (The Caldicott Committees Report on the review of patient-identifiable information 1997, & HSC/1999/012). This means that patient information can only be passed to someone else if it contributes to the provision of care or the effective management of health care services within the trust.