Science Teacher Science Teacher - Any specialism - Suitable for ECT Early Career Teacher or experienced - All boys school with a mixed sixth form - "Good" Ofsted School - Barnet, North West London - Permanent role - MPS1 - UPS3 £36, 412 - £53, 994 - September 2025 Are you currently completing your teacher training and due to be an ECT Early Career Teacher this September, seeking your first ECT post teaching science in a successful science department? Are you an ambitious Science teacher with a good track record of teaching and seeking your next exciting opportunity? Science Teacher Biology, Chemistry or Physics Teacher Key Stage 3 to Key Stage 4 - potential for KS5 for the right person Track record for good results is important in joining teacher " Good" Ofsted School Boys School Year 7 - 11 and mixed Sixth form - MPS1 - UPS3 £36, 412 - £53, 994 ECT or experienced teacher required About the School - Science Teacher - Barnet, North West London This exceptional, inclusive and friendly secondary school is an overly subscribed and popular secondary school in Barnet. The school has spaces for Boys from Year 7 to 11 and offers a mixed sixth form. Children at this school flourish and learn effectively, down to the commitment and dedication that is offered by teachers at the school. The Science department has a mixed range of experience, including a strong Head of Department, some experienced teachers, and also newer teachers in their career. A friendly, vibrant, caring school where students enjoy the subject. A strong commitment to CPD and a very supportive programme to equip you with the necessary leadership and management skills. An enterprising and 'can do' ethos where initiative and innovation are warmly embraced. A school of opportunity where staff are supported and developed and a stepping stone to future promotion. An outstanding opportunity to be part of a successful department. A well-resourced department, with established and high-quality short-term plans and resources A friendly, vibrant, and caring school where students are passionate. An enterprising and 'can do' ethos where innovation and risk taking are encouraged. A school of opportunity where staff are supported and ambitions nurtured. A 'wellbeing day' for all staff after one year of service. Catholic school, but the staff reflect Catholic and other faiths as well as some being of no faith background Students come from diverse backgrounds and areas and there is a rich culture and socio-economic diversity of the communityy Outcomes at both KS4 and KS5 are above local and national averages About the Role - Science Teacher - Barnet, North West London This school now seeks to recruit an enthusiastic, hardworking Science teacher who can make a great impact on the Science department. The ideal teacher will be an experienced teacher with good experience, knowledge and capacity. The school can also take on an Early Career Teacher ECT whom they can help support post their teacher training. You must have UK experience and hold Qualified Teacher Status QTS. How to apply - Science Teacher - Barnet, North West London If you are a talented and dynamic Science Teacher ready for your next teaching job and seeking the opportunity to teach at a school with a strong Science department, please email your cv to Eve on (url removed)