To liaise with other Dental Officers / Specialist Dentists/members of the Dental team, General Dental Practitioners and Hospital Consultants as necessary andpromote the Service with professional employees and otheragencies. Deliver dental treatment and preventive care and education topriority groups including those with: - Dental anxiety and behaviour management issues- Medical complexity- Learning disability- Limitations of personal mobility- Other physical disability- Relevant mental health issues- Plus Size needs- Other vulnerabilities, e.g. Looked After Children And domiciliary care Treatment under sedation or general anaesthesia, andepidemiological field work and domiciliary care are ofparticular significance as a member of the Special Care Dental Service. Management of, in a clinical capacity, dental therapists/hygienists / dental nurses as required. Produce and maintain accurate patient records, and completeappropriate NHS forms (eg FP17 forms). Collect andreceipt patients charges in accordance with NHS Regulations and ensure safe keeping of monies throughbanking in accordance with Bromley Healthcare Policiesand Procedures. Computer systems will be involved withthese processes.Produce and maintain accurate records of epidemiologicalfield work and dental screening delivered and dental careprovided. Paper and computer systems will be involved. Patients dental care needs accurately assessedand appropriate dental treatment and preventive caredelivered. Clinical sessions are booked efficiently and activityrecorded accurately to the appropriate standard.Referrals were assessed and treatment commenced within atimely manner. Consolidate clinical skills followingFoundation training and consolidating skills treatingadditional needs patients and those with an urgent dentalneed.