The Physics and Astronomy department at the University of Manchester is advertising two permanent academic positions: a full professorship and a lecturer (UK naming scheme equivalent of assistant professor, but with tenure) in the experimental usage of quantum technology in application-based science and/or fundamental physics. This is part of a wider quantum technology initiative with professorships in Maths and Computing Science also available.
Lectureship (Associate Prof.)
Job Details
Job Details
The closing date for applications is 31st March.
These positions are aimed at starting significant new experimental research directions in the department, collaborating with the Centre for Quantum Science and Engineering. Candidates for the professorship at all levels are welcome to apply; for candidates with the very highest levels of record, the establishment of a named chair could be discussed.
Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Manchester
The Department of Physics and Astronomy has long been one of the highest-rated departments in the world (currently ranked 10th in the Academic Ranking of World Universities). We have over 100 permanent academic staff or tenure-track fellows, 1,200 undergraduate students, and 250 postgraduate students. The department has expertise in areas including condensed matter physics, atomic physics, liquid crystal physics, biological physics, accelerator physics, nuclear physics, particle physics, astrophysics, astronomy, cosmology, complexity, and theoretical physics. Jodrell Bank Observatory (part of Jodrell Bank Centre for Astrophysics) also forms part of our Department.
The Cockcroft Institute of Accelerator Technology is a partnership with other universities and the Science and Technology Facilities Council. The department makes major contributions to faculty institutes including the Photon Science Institute and the National Graphene Institute. The Department of Physics and Astronomy is one of five Departments in the School of Natural Sciences, which is in the Faculty of Science and Engineering.
Centre for Quantum Science and Engineering
The Centre for Quantum Science and Engineering (CQSE) is a new cross-disciplinary home for quantum research at The University of Manchester, combining expertise from fundamental and theoretical physics through materials for quantum applications and application-driven research. The centre builds on a proud history of quantum research at Manchester; the physics department has considerable claim to being a birthplace of quantum physics, through the work conducted by Rutherford and Bohr, and of the key technological innovation by Henry Hall of building the first 3He - 4He dilution refrigerator.
The CQSE remit spans significant underpinning facilities at Manchester. These include those of the Photon Science Institute, a multidisciplinary institute for physicists, chemists, engineers, and materials scientists that share expertise and experimental facilities. Ultrafast lasers, low-linewidth lasers, vacuum and trapping equipment, deterministic ion implantation, and multiple cryogenic facilities support a range of active experimental research in quantum science, including:
1. Silicon-based qubits
2. Quantum optomechanical traps
3. High frequency cryogenic low noise amplifiers
4. Design and construction of improved sub-Kelvin cryogenic refrigerators to be used in astronomical instruments
5. Novel quasi-optical interferometers
6. Quantum properties and topological defects of helium superfluids
7. Electric dipole moments and nuclear shift moments
8. Development of a range of detector technologies for nuclear and particle physics applications
The physics department has an active and growing theoretical group working in areas such as quantum information, quantum many-body systems, and open quantum systems. In addition to more application-based science, our interests also include those related to the Quantum Technology for Fundamental Physics area, which complement our strengths in particle, astro-particle, and astrophysics.