Rejoining Detective Constable : HC37990
Locations : Police Investigation Centres in Basingstoke, Portsmouth, Southampton, Isle of Wight (Newport)
Rank : Substantive Constablewith PIP2 qualification
Salary: We will need to verify your service with your previous Force in order to place you on the correct pay point accordingly to Police Regulations.TheSouth East Allowance payment of GBP 2,000 per annum will also apply.
Intake Dates: July and October 2025
Rejoin Policing in one of our Investigation Teams
We currently have exciting opportunities available for individuals who have previously been a police officer andserved with a UK Police Force but are not in receipt of their pension.
As well as being one of the largest forces in the country, Hampshire has more police officers in front:line roles than average. Policing in Hampshire and the Isle of Wight includes:
policing across 1,500 square miles, land which is largely rural but with densely populated cities
a significant transport network including the M27 and M3, key rail hubs and two international airports
critical national infrastructure sites to keep safe such as the ports in Southampton and Portsmouth as well as crucial oil refineries.
We value and invest in staff health and wellbeing because we know that only people who are well looked after can give the public the best possible protection. Our work on wellbeing is recognised nationally, and the unique challenges we face means there are opportunities beyond those available in many other forces.
Click on the link below to watch what its like to be a Detective Constable in Hampshire and the Isle of Wight Constabulary:youtube/watch?vbKeAq9yMrg4 and
For a description of the personal qualities to be evidenced in your application, please click on the following
Please note that you must have been employed by a Home Office Forcein order. Successful applicants will have to pass a medical screening, vetting and a fitness test and be available to attend a 1 week transferee course. The length of course will dependant on your skills transfer. We have courses scheduled throughout 2025.
If you would like to speak to an officer who has recently transferred in to one of Hampshire's Investigations Teams, our Recruitment Team by emailing: who will put you in touch with one of our Transferee Support Officers.
for this opportunity please click on the button below. Please do not attach a CV to the candidate profile, complete the application form that is linked to the vacancy.
To be eligible to re:join Hampshire Constabulary as a Detective Constable you will need to:
have been a serving police officer in a Home Office force and have completed the two year probationary periodand the Policing Diplomaor your forces equivalent qualification and been confirmed as a substantive constable.
Hold a PIP2 qualification
pass the necessary vetting and occupational health checks
pass the basic fitness test, which is a shuttle run (bleep test) to level 5.4 or above and a push / pull test
have resided in the UK for three years immediately prior to submitting your application
not be a member of the British National Party (BNP) or similar organisation
declare any business interest
hold a full manual driving licence
Essential Qualifications
Have been a competent Constable with PIP2 qualification
Essential documentation required
Please upload your last 2 PDRs (if available), your PIP 2 certificate and evidence of any promotion qualifications (OSPRE or NPPF) to the My Documents section of the form before submitting your application.
Competencies and Personal Qualities
We are Emotionally AwareLevel 1
We Analyse Critically Level 1
We are