Budget To ensure the safe use of highly complex treatment machines costing in excess of £2 million. Ensure that the correct data is captured for every treatment delivered Staff To assist in the training of Radiographers, Radiotherapy Assistants, and Student Radiographers To assess and mentor students Manage own CPD Policy To comply with all Trust policies and procedures. To be aware and comply with the Local Rules of the Radiotherapy Department in compliance with the Ionising Radiation Regulations To conform to the requirements of the Ionising Radiation (Medical Exposure) Regulations IRMER Be aware of changes to procedures and policies within the department To actively engage with the Quality Management System. Communications To communicate with a variety of healthcare professionals To deliver highly complex information to patients, their relatives or carers with empathy and tact and in situations where there may be barriers to understanding. To promote effective communication amongst staff to create a good working environment. Patient/Customer Service To provide advice about treatment and side effects for patients, relatives, and carers, in a timely, appropriate and sensitive manner To be an integral part of the multi-disciplinary team, providing the highest possible standard of care for patients. An understanding of different patient/carer support mechanisms and how these can be accessed is essential. To assess, recognise radiotherapy radiation-induced toxicity and cancer-related side effects during treatment in order to assess patients suitability for radiotherapy and refer to senior colleagues when appropriate. Research To be aware of the research activities within the department To participate in research projects within the department To be aware of the relationship between the radiotherapy department and the Hope clinical trials unit