To provide advice and support to South Camden GPs, and other practice staff, regarding the assessment and management of the mental health difficulties of patients registered with their practices. This may be done through case discussions, joint consultations and bespoke training as appropriate. To provide consultant input and clinical leadership to the South Camden Core Team. To assist with diagnosis, formulation, medication reviews, management plans, risk assessments, crisis plans and self-help plans as required for these patients referred to the team. As necessary to provide direct clinical assessments of patients registered with the South Camden GP practices, and to provide follow up as appropriate. To assist in the prioritization (triage) of new referrals to the service. To maintain effective communication with GPs, primary care staff, patients and their carers. To work flexibly within timetabled working hours, so that urgent clinical matters can be prioritised. To carry out Mental Health Act and domiciliary assessments as required. To play a key role in implementing improved linkage between primary and secondary care services. To liaise and work closely with local IAPT services (also provided by C&I) and other primary care providers in order to provide a joined up primary care mental health service. To liaise and work closely with local voluntary services as part of the new model of core community teams. To provide clinical input, where necessary, to multi-disciplinary case conferencing around difficult patients being managed solely in primary care. To engage with local service user participation models. To participate in management activities and governance processes related to the Practice Based Mental Health service, including audits and quality improvement projects. To play an integral role in the performance of the team, the further development of the service, and the development of clinical pathways and priorities of the service line.