The purpose of music, as Glenn Gould famously said, ‘is not the release of a momentary ejection of adrenaline but rather the gradual, lifelong construction of a state of wonder and serenity.’ At Denstone, we understand that school music has the potential to leave a hallmark on the character of every pupil that will stay with them for the rest of their lives, bequeathing them a beautiful inheritance of musical ability and appreciation that they will treasure for ever.
We also recognise that Gould’s point holds for any effective Music Department itself. Building a successful academic Department, and building year-on-year a programme of wonderful events and performances, is as much about the small things done well, day in, day out (organisation, planning, administration, coordination) as it is about momentary flashes of artistic inspiration.
We believe that it is our responsibility, as a department, to foster a love of music that will stay with the children we teach for the rest of their lives. We believe in excellence and participation in equal measure, and take it as an axiom that all can enjoy and make progress in music, regardless of their current level of attainment.
Music is thriving and incredibly important at Denstone College: it is central to college life and is incredibly well resourced. We are housed in a purpose-built facility, the Roper Music School, which boasts two generously sized classrooms, IT Suite, Recording Studio, Keyboard Room, an Ensemble Room, nine Instrumental/Vocal teaching rooms, Staffroom, Instrument Store and the Director of Music’s Office. In addition, we have a Rehearsal Room in the Old Music School, which is permanently set up for larger ensembles/percussion, a designated Performing Arts space under development, and we use the College Chapel and School Room (College Theatre) for larger rehearsals and concerts.
We have a part-time Music Secretary and we currently have 20 specialist Visiting Music Teachers offering ‘one-to-one’ tuition on a wide variety of instruments, some offering a few hours and others teaching here on multiple days. This includes the visiting teachers of LAMDA and Dance, which the Department manages as part of our contribution to the wider performing arts scene at the College.
The Prep offers a dynamic and well-structured music program, led by the Prep Head of Music, who delivers all class music lessons and coordinates performances. The Director of Music will oversee the Prep Head of Music in collaboration with the Head of The Prep. The Prep building includes a dedicated music room equipped with a variety of instruments, providing an inspiring space for students to develop their musical skills. While most individual music lessons are taught by peripatetic teachers, all Prep 2 and Prep 3 pupils learn an instrument as a class under the Prep Head of Music’s coordination. The Prep also provides ensemble opportunities, including a chapel choir, a show choir, and a percussion group, all of which rehearse during breaktimes, enriching the school’s musical culture.
We believe that performance is incredibly important to our students’ musical development and progress. We traditionally have a number of performance opportunities throughout the school year, at the College, at the Prep School and externally, and a number of ensembles on offer to our pupils. Our Chapel Choir sings weekly in our chapel service, and we also currently run a Chamber Choir, a Show Choir and a Senior Show Choir.Instrumentally, we are an eclectic department: we currently have Orchestra and Junior Orchestra, String Ensemble, Chamber Ensemble, Big Band, Soul Band, and a range of other instrumental groups. The successful candidate will develop, rationalise and evolve this offering. Pupils from Denstone go on to study music at university and conservatoire level, and some pupils perform in National and Regional groups.
1st Form (Year 7) pupils currently receive two class music lessons per week, with 2nd and 3rd Form each receiving one period. We offer Edexcel GCSE Music and Eduqas A level Music and currently have one class in each year group, with a small number of students from nearby state schools attending our A Level lessons alongside Denstone students. Prep pupils (Reception to Prep 6) currently receive one music lesson per week. Reception to Year 2 also receive an additional lesson focused on the Pre-Prep Choir.
We are actively seeking an experienced professional to teach and lead Music throughout the entire age range, including contributions from our Prep-aged students through to our GCSE and A Level courses, who will ensure continued excellence within this highly successful, well-resourced department. In addition, the successful candidate is likely to have impressive instrumental specialism(s), is expected to be fully involved in ensemble conducting and cocurricular music and will be at least a competent pianist or organist.
The successful candidate will be hard-working, skilled in teamwork, and have the drive to develop their own teaching skills, as well as to share good practice with colleagues. First and foremost, however, they will have a genuine love of music and a desire to inspire the same thing in their students.
This position is full-time and will involve teaching a reduced academic timetable appropriate to the responsibilities of this position. All full-time staff at Denstone also serve as house tutors and make a full commitment to the school’s co-curricular programme. Accommodation on site may be available, by negotiation and at the Head’s discretion. Staff living on site are expected to undertake evening and occasional weekend duties in a boarding house.
These are exciting times for Music at Denstone College as we continue to encourage our entire school to get involved in music making.
If candidates have further questions and would like an informal discussion about the role, please contact Dr David Baker, Deputy Head at