RC chairs and leads a multidisciplinary review meeting of patients on the ward at least three times a week to ensure that there are enough opportunities to see each new patient at the earliest opportunity and that all patients are seen at least once a week. Attend clinical governance meetings where the quality of care the ward provides is reviewed at least once a month Attend the business meeting to support and provide a senior clinical view and perspective on issues that affect the ward and have a good understanding of the directorates priorities in relation to patient safety, patient experience and clinical effectiveness and understand external factors influencing services such as budgetary frameworks and inspection regime e.g. CQC inspections. Regular one on one meetings with the ward manager Ensure effective and appropriate use of medical resources within the team to address the needs of service users. Ensure regular and adequate supervision of trainees and non-training medical staff as may be necessary Ensure that the views of families and carers are sought when making decisions about patient care and discharge planning Participate in directorates and sub-directorate meetings including task and finish, ad-hoc and regular meetings to address specific issues affecting the directorate or sub-directorate that require clinical input. Ensure that there are no statutory breaches such as allowing sections to lapse. Ensure that capacity assessments or section 58 (consent to treatment) are completed in a timely fashion. Also ensure that discharge summaries or letters are completed in a timely manner and information contained such as discharge medication is accurate. Engage in regular service reviews and developments such as use of outcome measures such as NICE audits of their practice and use of new technology when these become available to support their work for example IPads, Docman and Video Conferencing