The post holder will work as part of a dynamic multi-agency integrated team assessing notifications and referrals regarding children aged 0-18 that are received by the Multi-agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH). The MASH process includes searching for and collating relevant health information from a range of NHS providers both locally and further afield. With due regard to patient confidentiality, the MASH professional needs to interpret, analyse and share the information that is necessary to safeguard and/or promote the welfare of a child. The MASH has been designed to facilitate information gathering and sharing within a fire-walled environment. The Local Authority hold the statutory responsibility for the management of notifications and referrals, but the decision and planning required to inform the outcome of the notification or referral is made by the integrated MASH team. This type of multi-agency cooperation is a statutory duty of all professionals delivering care to children and families.