Audit and Risk Committee Member Job ref: NIPSO/ARCM/09/25 Job type: Public Appointment Location: Progressive House, Belfast Salary: £500 per meeting - Estimated 5 meetings per year Quantity of Posts Available: 1 Closing date: Monday 03 Feb 2025 12:00 Job summary The ARC member will support the Ombudsman in ensuring that the unique accountability arrangements which underpin the office remain effective. In delivering on NIPSOs accountability and value for money obligations the ARC member will be mindful of the need to protect the Ombudsmans operational independence. The Ombudsman, as Accounting Officer, has responsibility for issues of risk, control and governance. The Ombudsman appoints an Audit and Risk Committee to provide additional scrutiny and assurance. The ARCs role is not operational, neither has it any role in NIPSOs decision making processes. Rather the ARCs role is to advise and support the Ombudsman as Accounting Officer. ROLE PROFILE Main purpose of role The ARC member will support the Ombudsman in ensuring that the unique accountability arrangements which underpin the office remain effective. In delivering on NIPSOs accountability and value for money obligations the ARC member will be mindful of the need to protect the Ombudsmans operational independence. The Ombudsman, as Accounting Officer, has responsibility for issues of risk, control and governance.TheOmbudsmanappointsanAuditandRiskCommitteetoprovideadditionalscrutiny andassurance.TheARCsroleisnotoperational,neitherhasitanyroleinNIPSOsdecisionmaking processes. Rather the ARCs role is to advise and support the Ombudsman as Accounting Officer. Summary of principal duties and responsibilities Advising on the strategic processes for risk, control and governance; Advising on and the Annual Report and Accounts, including the Governance Statement, the process for review and submission for audit, levels of error identified, and managements letter of representation to the NIAO; Challenge and advise on strategic financial management; Advising on appropriate disaster recovery, contingency and crisis planning; Reviewing the planned activity and results of both internal and external audit; Advising on the adequacy of management response to issues identified by audit activity, including external audits Report to Those Charged with Governance (RTTCWG); Assurances relating to the management of risk and corporate governance requirements for the NIPSO; Advisingonanti-fraudpolicies,whistle-blowingprocessesandarrangementsforspecial investigations; ProvideassuranceontheuseofDirect AwardContracts; Provide assurance on appointment of Internal Audit services; This role profile is subject to review and amendment as the demands of the role and the organisation evolve. Therefore the role holder will be required to be flexible and adaptable and aware that they may be asked to perform tasks, duties and responsibilities which are not specifically detailed in the job description but which are commensurate with the role. PERSON SPECIFICATION ESSENTIAL CRITERIA Applicants must, as at the closing date for receipt of applications, be able to demonstrate by providing personal and specific examples on their application form that they have: Aminimumoftwoyearsexperience asamemberofa committeeorboard. Aminimumofthreeyearsexperienceofanalysingissuesandemergingrisksatastrategic level. A minimum of three years experience of ensuring good governance including the ability toquestion,challengeconstructivelyandinformdecision-makingaspartofthegovernanceof an organisation. Aminimumofthreeyearsexperienceofprovidingappropriatechallengeandscrutinyto an organisation at a senior level1 in at least three of the following areas: Audit; Cyber Security; InformationGovernance; FinancialManagementandReporting; HumanResources; Legal;or Risk management; DESIRABLE CRITERIA In addition to the above essential criteria, NIPSO reserves the right to only shortlist those candidateswho canalsodemonstrate,byprovidingpersonalandspecificexamplesonthe application form that they have: Ademonstrableunderstandingofpublicsectorgovernanceandaccountability arrangements. At least two years experience of being a member of an Audit Committee, or group with responsibility for providing scrutiny on financial management, risk management and governance arrangements. Havesuccessfullycompletedtheprofessionalexaminationsandbeafull,currentmember of at least one of the following bodies: CharteredAccountantsIreland TheInstituteofCharteredAccountantsinScotland TheInstituteofCharteredAccountantsinEnglandandWales TheCharteredInstituteofManagementAccountants TheAssociationofCharteredCertifiedAccountants TheCharteredInstituteofPublicFinanceAccountancy The Institute of Certified Public Accountants in Ireland SKILLS AND ATTRIBUTES Applicantsmust beabletodemonstrateevidenceofthefollowingskills,competenciesand attributes which will be tested at interview: StrategicLeadership CollaborativeWorking AnalyticalandProblemSolving Risk Management THE SEVEN PRINCIPLES OF PUBLIC LIFE TheCommitteeonStandardsinPublicLifehavedefinedsevenprinciples(theNolan Principles) which should underpin the actions of all who serve the public in any way. Accordingly,in carryingouttheaboveduties,thepostholder shalladhereatalltimestothe following principles: Selflessness - Holders of publicoffice shouldtake decisions solely in termsof the public interest.They should not do so in order to gain financial or other material benefits for themselves, their family, or other friends. Integrity - Holders of public office should not place themselves under any financial or otherobligationtooutsideindividualsororganisationsthatmightinfluencetheminthe performance of their official duties. Objectivity - In carrying out public business, including making public appointments, awarding contracts, or recommending individuals for rewards and benefits, holders of public office should make choices on merit. Accountability - Holders of public office are accountable for their decisions and actions to the public and must submit themselves to whatever scrutiny is appropriate totheir office. Openness-Holdersofpublicofficeshouldbeasopenaspossibleaboutallthedecisions and actions that they take.They should give reasons for their decisions and restrict information only when the wider public interest clearly demands. Honesty-Holdersofpublicofficehaveadutytodeclareanyprivateinterestsrelatingto theirpublicdutiesandtotakestepstoresolveanyconflictsarisinginawaythatprotects the public interest. Leadership - Holders of public office should promote and support these principles by leadership and example. Remuneration The remuneration for this post is £500 per meeting. Time Commitment Meetings of the Audit and RiskCommittee will normally be heldfour tofive times per year. Additionalmeetingsorotherinput (e.g. involvementin recruitmentofotherARCmembers) mayberequiredfromtimetotime.DutiesasmemberoftheARCareexpectedtotakeupto 5 days perannum. This includestime toreadpapers in preparation for meetings, attending meetings and follow up actions arising. Location Meetings will normally take place in NIPSO offices,Progressive House, 33Wellington Place, Belfast, BT1 6HN. Term 3yearsfromappointment. At the end of term, the Ombudsman may give consideration to a possible extension for amaximum period of a further 3 years. This is not a public appointment nor does it constitute employment but it is subject to the NIPSO Code of Conduct and Conflicts of Interest policy. SELECTION PROCESS Applications for the post can be made on GetGot Jobs Portal by clicking Apply below. Completed application and monitoring forms must be submitted on the portal no later than 12 noon on Monday 03 February 2025 Applicants who meet the shortlisting criteria will be invited to participate in a selection and assessment process. IntheeventofahighvolumeofapplicationsNIPSOreservestherighttoapplyadditionalcriteria in order to achieve a manageable shortlist of applicants. ReasonableAdjustments NIPSO are committed to ensuring equal access to employment opportunities for all individuals. Applications from disabled applicants are welcome. If you require any reasonable adjustments at any stage of the recruitment and selection process, please contact us and we will work with you to find an accessible method for you to submit your application. Guidance notes for completing your application form NIPSO is committed to providing equality of opportunity for all job applicants. The information you supply on this application form will be treated in the strictest confidence and will be used solely for assessing your suitability for the post. Acandidatefoundtohaveknowinglygivenfalseinformation,ortohavewilfullysuppressedany materialfactwillbeliableto disqualification fromtheprocess,or ifappointed,to dismissal.All appointmentsaremadeonmeritandinaccordancewithourRecruitmentandSelectionPolicy. Any canvassing of officers directly or indirectly in connection with an appointment will automatically disqualify the candidate. Applications will only be accepted on the specific NIPSO application form. Incomplete application forms will not be considered. CVs, letters or any other supplementary material will not be accepted in place of, or in addition to, completed application forms and will not be made available to the shortlisting or interview panel. Pleasealso note: Applicationswhicharereceivedaftertheclosingdateortimewillnotbeaccepted. It is the responsibility of the applicant to ensure the completed form, together with the completed Equal Opportunities Monitoring Form, is returned by the closing date for applications.