Patient facing role undertaking face to face medications reviews for: patients on complex polypharmacy with long term conditions housebound patients specific disease areas identified as a priority area within the PCN Review patients with single or multiple medical problems where medicine optimisation is required. Review on-going need for each medicine, assess monitoring requirements and support patients to ensure treatment is safe, appropriate and optimised for maximum clinical benefit. Discuss recommendations and outcomes with relevant members of the PCN team and provide appropriate and timely follow up. Support patients to optimise medicines by providing additional written patient information leaflets, and liaise with community pharmacists about the need for special requirements to aid adherence. Management of Common/Minor/Self-Limiting Ailments Support practices in improving patient access for minor ailments and acute presentations. Promote the importance of self-care and signpost patients to community pharmacies in line with national guidance on over the counter medicines. Medicines Information to Practice Staff and Patients Support relevant medicine-related enquiries from the practice team, PCN team, community pharmacists and patients. Update practice teams at weekly meetings on current medicines related information and issues with a view to educating and improving prescribing within the practice. Analyse, interpret and present medicines data to practice staff regularly to highlight prescribing issues. Communicate recommended actions relating to medication and medical device safety alerts. Medicines Reconciliation Reconcile medicines following discharge from hospitals, intermediate care and into care homes, including identifying and rectifying unexplained changes and working with patients and community pharmacists to ensure patients receive the medicines they need post discharge. Commissioned improvements for QIPP and medicines optimisation Support the practice and the PCN in delivering the outcomes as required in the medicines section of the Clinical Commissioning Contract Signposting Ensure that patients are referred to the appropriate healthcare professional for specialist referral, monitoring and/or referred to the social prescriber for further support services where required. Repeat Prescribing Review, implement and support adherence to the practice repeat prescribing policy. Manage the repeat prescribing reauthorisation process by reviewing patient requests for repeat prescriptions and reviewing medicines reaching review dates and flagging up those patients needing a review. Ensure patients on repeat prescriptions have the required monitoring and assessments undertaken as appropriate to their condition(s) and medicines prescribed. Clinical Governance Communicate, action and support implementation of MHRA alerts, product withdrawals and other local and national guidelines and formulary recommendations. Undertake clinical audits in priority areas identified by the CCG medicines management team or within the PCN and feedback results to practices and the PCN and support them in implementing recommendations. Support practices and PCNs in identifying and reporting onto NRLS any incidents relating to medicines. Be involved in investigating medicines incidents and identifying and implementing any required system improvements. Support implementation of shared care protocols in practice, including processes to improve monitoring of high- risk drugs. Review the use of medicines most commonly associated with unplanned hospital admissions and readmissions through audit and individual patient reviews. Identify cohorts of patients at high risk of harm from medicines through pre-prepared practice computer searches e.g. using PINCER and other tools. Work with the general practice team to ensure the practice is compliant with CQC standards where medicines are involved. Education and Training Contribute to the provision of education and training on medicines optimisation and specific therapeutic areas to healthcare professionals within the PCN and to the wider CCG/ICB geography. Public Health To support public health campaigns. To provide specialist advice on all public health programmes available to the general public. General Undertake any other work supporting medicines optimisation in GP practices and the PCN commensurate with the banding of the post and which is agreed between the postholder and the manager Key Collaborative Working Relationships The post-holder will be required to work with a wide range of stakeholders. It is important that the post holder recognises the roles of other colleagues to person-centred care, and liaises with other stakeholders as needed for the collective benefit of patients including: Patients and Patient Participation Groups (PPGs) GPs, nurses and other practice staff Other healthcare professionals including CCG pharmacists, pharmacy technicians, optometrists, dentists, health and social care teams, dieticians etc. Locality / GP prescribing lead and Locality managers Community nurses and other allied health professionals Integration between general practice community and hospital pharmacy teams Ability to work as a member of a team within the PCN Collaboration with network resources to support care management plans and social prescribing Knowledge, Skills and Experience Required (please see Person Specification) Has experience/awareness of the breadth of common acute and long-term conditions that are likely to be seen in a general medical practice. Minimum of 2 years post graduate experience in pharmacy, as demonstrated within a practice portfolio. Holds an independent prescribing qualification, is working towards a qualification or has the intention to complete this in the future. Demonstrates an understanding of the role of a clinical pharmacist within primary care and where it fits into and how it complements the practice team and the wider PCN team. Accountable for delivering professional expertise and direct service provision. Able to follow legal, ethical, professional and organisational policies/procedures and codes of conduct. Health and Safety/Risk Management An expectation is for all staff to have a commitment to promoting and maintaining a safe and healthy environment and be responsible for their own and others welfare. In addition, staff will be expected to undertake the statutory mandatory health and safety training and other training relevant to their specialist area of work. Equality and Diversity The post-holder must co-operate with all policies and procedures designed to ensure equality of employment and complete the required statutory mandatory training. Patient Confidentiality The post-holder should respect patient confidentiality at all times and not divulge patient information unless sanctioned by the requirements of the role. In view of the dynamic nature of the role, this job description is intended to provide an outline of the duties and responsibilities; it will be subject to review and amendment as necessary in consultation with the post holder.