The post holder is expected to be a positive role model and an effective leader for the team in terms of clinical and general management, patient care and communication, and quality standards. The post holder will also need to develop good working relationships with other services and departments both within and external to Bromley Healthcare and ensure that there is constructive, collaborative working with colleagues. To be responsible for the delivery and organisational management of the Diabetes Service ensuring the services provided are of high quality, effective, well co-ordinated value for money and responsive to the changing needs of patients and the local population. To manage all staff within the service, delegating line management duty when appropriate, including responsibility for appraisal, training and development of staff as well as managing human resource issues such as sickness absence, poor performance and disciplinary process. To work with Senior Managers to develop the Diabetes service in line with local strategic intentions and working in accordance with commissioning intentions. To provide effective liaison with and be a key point of contact for GPs and primary care healthcare professionals in the provision of primary care diabetes services and support provided by the diabetes service. To support Senior Managers in their strategic leadership by providing highly skilled, in-depth clinical and professional knowledge and expertise. To lead on all aspects of clinical governance and operational leadership for the service, promoting evidence based practice and quality assurance in the service area in order to deliver an equitable, high quality approach to patient care and treatment. To establish, maintain and monitor standards & competencies of clinical care for the Diabetes team. To act as a skilled and independent practitioner and have a clinical input into all aspects of the Diabetes service and be a point of reference to the whole clinical team. To be able to take over a caseload in times of need and sickness in the department (both clinical and clinical training). To work alongside the Senior Managers to ensure the relevant budget is effectively managed and achieve appropriate and efficient use of resources.