Applications are invited for two part-time secondments (up to 0.5FTE) for the role of BioFAIR Architects. These positions will involve supporting the initial stages of the technical design of the BioFAIR infrastructure and collaborating closely with the newly appointed BioFAIR Director.
BioFAIR is a new UK government-funded investment of £34M to develop and operate a federated digital research infrastructure connecting existing life sciences infrastructures which will largely be assembled through the integration of existing services, resources and knowledge.
BioFAIR is funded for five years and will focus on four core capabilities: Data Commons, Method Commons, Knowledge Centre, and Community Centre.
The BioFAIR’s Commons will be shared places, built to incorporate FAIR (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable) principles and allow researchers to collaborate and connect with colleagues to work on research projects.
BioFAIR will operate as a Hub and Spoke organisation. The BioFAIR Hub will be based at the Earlham Institute, who will be responsible for coordination, establishing and managing delivery partnerships and governance.
The role:
The Architects will be responsible for establishing a strong community-led culture of collaboration and collective responsibility. They will leverage the skills and experience of the BioFAIR team to design clear modular architecture, b...