With over 700 years of dynamic and fascinating history and having recently made one of the largest acquisitions completed in the Trust, it’s an exciting time to join the team at Chirk Castle. We’re seeking an innovative, creative, and collaborative leader to take collections conservation, visitor experience and engagement to the next level at one of the largest and most visited properties in the region.
Rheolwr Tŷ a Chasgliadau
Gyda hanes sy’n pontio dros 700 mlynedd ac fel un o'r caffaeliadau mwyaf sydd wedi’i gwblhau yn yr Ymddiriedolaeth yn ddiweddar, dyma gyfnod cyffrous i ymuno â’r tîm yng Nghastell y Waun. Rydym yn awyddus i benodi arweinydd ysbrydoledig, creadigol a chydweithredol i dywys gwaith cadwraeth casgliadau, profiad ymwelwyr ac ymgysylltiad i’r lefel nesaf yn un o eiddo mwyaf o ran maint a mwyaf poblogaidd y rhanbarth.
What it's like to work here
Reporting to the Property Operations Manager, you'll lead a small group of deeply committed conservation staff as well as a large and very active volunteer cohort. As a key Head of Department, you'll play a leading role in the effective operation of this unique and historic Castle, the delivery of the property business plan, development of long-term strategies and leadership of exciting projects.
You'll be public holiday and weekend working as part of the role.
Sut brofiad yw gweithio yma?
Yn atebol i'r Rheolwr...