Want to become a Police Constable and obtain a recognised qualification with the University of South Wales?
Do you meet any of the below criteria:
* No qualification but willing to complete an online English and Maths assessment as part of the online application process
* Hold at least a Level 3 Qualification (equivalent to 2 A-Levels) in any subject
Police Constable Entry Programme (PCEP)
Suitable for candidates wishing to train to become a Police Constable whilst also studying towards a level 5 qualification in Policing. The PCEP is a two-year training and studying programme designed to equip you with the professional knowledge and skills required to meet the complex policing challenges we face today, whilst contributing to a positive policing culture.
As a Police Constable every day is different with new challenges, it’s a chance to make a real difference to the community. We are looking for enthusiastic and dedicated people who will be committed to our vision; to be the best at understanding and responding to the needs of the community; to protecting the most vulnerable, catching criminals and keeping the public safe, whilst also abiding by the policing Code of Ethics and Gwent Values.
* Candidates must be a minimum 17 years of age at the time of submitting an application. However, MUST be 18 years of age at the time of commencing employment.
* Candidates MUST hold a full UK manual driving license at the time of commencing employment.
* Candidates MUST be within a BMI range of between 18 – 32, or be able to achieve being in this range at the time of commencing employment.
* Candidates MUST be able to complete a shuttle run (bleep test) up to level 5:4.
Online Assessment Centre: 29 April 2025 – 6 May 2025
Force Interviews: 08 – 06 June 2025
Fitness, Medical, Drugs & Biometric Tests: 30 June – 07 July
Earliest Available Intake Date: 30 March 2026
* Learning is fully funded by Gwent Police.
* All recruits, regardless of entry route and previous experience, will commence on a salary of £29,907 rising to £48,231 within 7 years.
* Employed as a Police constable from day one.
* Receive a blend of practical on-the-job learning with classroom-based training.
* Your initial training will be supported by our dedicated in-house training team followed by working operationally in uniform under the guidance of a tutor to gain Independent Patrol Status.
* After initial training you will reach independent patrol status where you’ll be allocated to a station for the remainder of your two-year programme where you will learn ‘on the job’. You will be required to work shifts (including nights) after your initial training.
* In Year 2, you will strengthen your critical thinking and problem solving in the operational Policing arena. The program will culminate in summative assessments of your knowledge and operational learning and practice, leading to full operational competence and confirmation in rank. You’ll be fully supported and given everything you need to succeed!
We are welcoming applications from diverse or minority groups who are underrepresented in the force.
Please note: All queries and correspondence including documentation throughout the whole process will be sent and received from centralrecruitment@gwent.police.uk as well as noreply@policejobswales.tal.net. Please add these to your favourites/approved sender list within your emails and continually check your junk email folders!
You are not eligible to apply for the above-mentioned entry route if you hold or are currently studying towards the Degree in Professional Policing Practice.