Your role will involve: Working with the DPH to implement the strategic prevention planning approach with senior partners in RBWM Childrens Services and the provider Achieving for Children. This will include Healthy Child Programme. Work with the provider Achieving for Children to ensure the commissioned 0-19 Public Health Nursing Service and Family Hubs are efficiently working to improve outcomes for children and young people in RBWM. Lead the implementation of the RBWM Whole System Approach to Healthy Weight, working with the Council but also the wider stakeholder group. Lead the development of our approach to public mental health, including the implementation of the RBWM Suicide Prevention Action Plan, and work with Berkshire colleagues on the Berkshire wide objectives of the Berkshire Suicide Prevention Action Plan. This will involve postvention and suicide cluster response. Work with colleagues in the Frimley Integrated Care System to implement their Early Years business case requirements for NHS England. As a member of the Public Health Senior Management Team, providing strategic leadership and advice across work programmes in the public health service plan, with a focus on children and young people and suicide prevention and the lead areas managed by your direct reports. Work with other senior personnel across the council to proactively seek opportunities for joint work and identify ways public health can add value to delivery of the Council Plan. Supporting direct reports to deliver against the Council Plan, their work programmes and personal objectives. This will include support for them to develop, coordinate and partner with internal and external colleagues to commission, deliver and manage health improvement programmes, services and budget, using public health intelligence including the JSNA to prioritise and deliver agreed shared outcomes.