The post-holder will be a key role within Coventry and Warwickshire Integrated Care Board (CWICB) in respect of transforming and commissioning childrens physical services. Working closely with partners in the Local Authorities (including public health), NHS Trusts, NHS England, Designated Clinical Officers, clinical networks and third sector organisations the role will be pivotal in the planning and transformation of Childrens health, care, support and services to ensure a joined-up approach across the universal and targeted 0-19 pathway, including for those with complex needs and disabilities 0 25 (including transition), and to enable the best possible outcomes for children and young people within the resources available. The role excludes SEND. The post-holder will provide subject matter expertise in relation to all childrens physical health services, including long-term conditions such as asthma, epilepsy and diabetes, as well as general paediatric services (acute and community). Work may also span areas and topics such as health inequalities, early years, urgent and emergency care, tier four obesity, the personalisation agenda, palliative care and oral health. The post-holder will ensure adequate input from clinical colleagues, children and young people service users, parents, families and communities to support needs assessments, priority setting and work programme development, including service redesign. Taking a population health approach that considers the wider factors that affect health such as culture, housing, education, environment and lifestyles, the post-holder will work collaboratively with communities and the third sector as well as statutory agencies and clinicians, to deliver the NHS England care bundles for children and young people and the ambitions of the Coventry and Warwickshire integrated care system. Main responsibilities include the following. For full details please see Job Description attached.