Job summary
Kensington and Chelsea CAMHS is a very warm & friendly team which welcomes new skills and new ideas. It is part of Central & North West London (CNWL) Foundation Mental Health Trust. We are committed to collaborative multi-disciplinary work and there are very good links with partnership agencies in the borough.
This is an exciting opportunity to part of a busy integrated CAMHS service. We are seeking to recruit a part-time FTC Band 8b, Clinical / Counselling Psychologist based at 1B Beatrice Place, W8 5LW.
We are looking for suitably qualified and highly motivated individuals with a range of assessment skills and significant experience of supporting children, young people and their carers, as well as experience of working with professionals from other agencies.
The candidates will be able to demonstrate a high degree of autonomous working.
Main duties of the job
The post holder will provide a highly specialised clinical/ counselling psychology service to Kensington and Chelsea CAMHS.
Therapy will be an essential aspect of the post, as will delivering training and clinical supervision for staff working with this type of client-group. Contribution to appropriate clinical policies and procedures will be required, in line with the objectives set for the service and in collaboration with the service's general management.
To supervise and support the psychological assessment and therapy provided by other psychologists and other clinical members of the team who provide psychologically based care and treatment. In particular to offer specialised CBT expertise and training to local psychologists and other appropriate professionals. To work autonomously within professional guidelines and exercise responsibility for the systematic governance of psychological practice within the service/team. To utilize research skills for audit, policy and service development and research. To contribute to and implement policy changes within the area served by the team/service.
About us
We're passionate about delivering first-class patient-centred, safe and effective care in a community setting or in the patient's own home. Patients are at the heart of everything we do. Providing top quality care depends on our ability to employ the best people. We are always looking to recruit outstanding people who will go the extra mile to support our young persons, colleagues, teams and the Trust.
With every new employee we are hoping to find our future leaders and well support our staff by providing opportunities to develop your career. With a diverse culture and equally diverse range of opportunities across mental health, community services, emotional disorder, Neurodevelopmental Disorders, Enhancement Treatment, learning disabilities and more whatever stage of your career you're at, there's always a place for you at CNWL. You will work from Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm service for young people experiencing mental health problems in Kensington and Chelsea.
Job responsibilities
Working within a highly specialised clinical area, to provide highly developed specialist psychological assessments of clients based upon the appropriate use, interpretation and integration of complex data from a variety of sources including psychological (and neuropsychological) tests, self-report measures, rating scales direct and indirect structured observations and semi-structured interviews with clients, family members and others involved in the clients care.
To formulate plans for the formal psychological treatment and/or management of a clients mental health problems based upon an appropriate conceptual framework of the clients problems, and employing methods based upon evidence of efficacy, across the full range of care settings.
To be responsible for implementing a range of highly specialist psychological interventions for individuals, carers, families and groups, within and, when clinically necessary, across sub-teams, employed individually and in synthesis, adjusting and refining psychological formulations drawing upon different explanatory models and maintaining a number of provisional hypotheses.
To make highly skilled evaluations and decisions about treatment options, taking into account both theoretical and therapeutic models and their evidence base and highly complex factors concerning historical and developmental processes that have shaped the individual, family or group.
To exercise full responsibility and autonomy for the treatment of, and discharge of, clients whose problems are managed as a psychologically based standard care plan, ensuring appropriate assessment, formulation and interventions, communicating with the referral agent and others involved with the care on a regular basis.
To provide specialised therapeutic intervention to young people and families in the Enhanced Sub Team, including indirect consultation and liaison with other professionals and agencies.
To provide expertise and specialist psychological advice, guidance and consultation to other professionals contributing directly to a clients formulation, diagnosis and treatment plan.
To ensure that all members of the clinical team have access to a psychologically based framework for the understanding and care of clients of the service, through the provision of advice and consultation and the dissemination of psychological knowledge, research and theory.
To undertake risk assessment and risk management for relevant individual clients and to provide both general and specialist advice for psychologists and other professionals on psychological aspects of risk assessment and management.
To act as a Lead Professional, where appropriate, ensuring the provision of a care package appropriate for the clients needs, co-ordinating the work of others involved with care, arranging clients care reviews as required and communicating effectively with the client, his/her family and all others involved in care; and to monitor progress during the course of multi-disciplinary interventions.
To communicate in a highly skilled and sensitive manner, information concerning the assessment, formulation and treatment plans of clients under their care and to monitor and evaluate progress during the course of both uni- and multi-disciplinary care.
To provide expertise and advice to facilitate the effective and appropriate provision of psychological care by all members of the team.
To develop and provide specialised clinical psychology services to assist in the formulation, diagnosis and treatment of clients of Kensington and Chelsea CAMHS across the borough of Kensington and Chelsea.
Person Specification
Training and Qualifications
* Doctoral level training in clinical psychology, (or its equivalent for those trained prior to 1996 as accredited by the BPS), including specifically models of psychopathology, clinical psychometrics and neuropsychology, two or more distinct psychological therapies and lifespan developmental psychology
* Registration with the HCPC as a practitioner psychologist, domain of clinical psychology
* Post-doctoral training in one or more additional specialised areas of psychological practice especially relevant to complex CAMHS
Knowledge and Skills
* Doctoral level knowledge of clinical psychology including highly developed knowledge of lifespan developmental psychology, models of psychopathology, clinical psychometrics and neuro-psychology, and two or more distinct psychological therapies.
* Knowledge and skills in the use of complex methods of psychological assessment intervention and management frequently requiring sustained and intense concentration, in particular as applied to complex problems including cognitive behavioural methods.
* Well developed skills in the ability to communicate effectively, orally and in writing, highly technical, and clinically sensitive information to clients, their families, carers and other professional colleagues both within and outside the NHS.
* Skills in providing consultation to other professional and non-professional groups.
* Doctoral level knowledge of research design and methodology, including complex multivariate data analysis as practiced within the field of clinical psychology
* Knowledge of legislation and its implications for both clinical practice and professional management in relation to the client group and mental health.
* Evidence of continuing professional development as required by the HPC and recommended by the BPS.
* Highly developed knowledge of the theory and practice of specialised psychological therapies in specific difficult to treat group such as individuals suffering from complex PTSD
* Highly developed knowledge of the theory and practice of highly specialised psychological therapies.
* Formal training in supervision of other psychologists.
* Ability to identify, provide and promote appropriate means of support to carers & staff exposed to highly distressing situations and severely challenging behaviours
* Ability to teach and train others, using a variety of complex multimedia materials suitable for presentations within public, professional and academic settings
* Ability to identify and employ mechanisms of clinical governance as appropriate, to support and maintain clinical practice in the face of regular exposure to highly emotive material and challenging behaviour.
* Experience of working within a multicultural framework.
* Experience of working with a wide variety of client groups, across the whole life course and presenting with the full range of clinical severity across the full range of care settings including outpatient, community, primary care, in-patient and residential care settings including maintaining a high degree of professionalism in the face of highly emotive and distressing problems, verbal abuse and the threat of physical abuse.
* Experience of working with children, adolescents, their families, and the professional network of relevance to their care.
* Experience of exercising full clinical responsibility for clients' psychological care and treatment, both as a professionally qualified care coordinator and also within the context of a multi-disciplinary care plan.
* Experience of teaching, training on the use of standard CBT approaches and/or professional and clinical supervision.
* Assessed experience of working as a qualified clinical psychologist
* Experience of representing psychology within the context of multi-disciplinary care
* Experience of assessing and treating clients across the full range of care settings.
* Experience of the application of psychology in different cultural contexts
* Research interest in any topic relevant to the specific service