Job summary
The Market Surgery has an exciting opportunity for a Nurse Team are looking for an enthusiasticand flexible nurse who is committed to providing excellent care to our patientsas part of our nursing team.
Main duties of the job
Towork within, lead and supervise the nursing team, providing safe, effective,reactive and proactive nursing services to the practice population. As a qualified nurse you will be required,after induction, to work autonomously within your areas of competence andwithin the requirements of the NMC Code of conduct.
Tosuccessfully maintain professional revalidation as per current NMC guidance.
Total working hours for the week are 26 hours. You will be required to work on a Friday.
About us
The Market Surgery is a busy seven doctor practice providing care to over 10,000 patients in and around Aylsham in North Norfolk.
Working from purpose-built premises, located a short walking distance from the centre of Aylsham, we aim to provide a friendly and efficient service to patients fulfilling all their primary care needs. All our consulting rooms are on the ground floor, we have a dispensary next to the reception area and we have a car park for the use of our patients.
The practice is part of North and Waveney Integrated Care Service. We are a training practice for GP Registrars and medical students.
Job description
Job responsibilities
Job Summary:
To lead andsupervise the practice nursing team, in collaboration with the GeneralPractitioners and practice manager, in order to develop an effective, qualitydriven nursing service.
To ensurethat the skills and capacity of the whole practice nursing team are deployed tobest effect to meet the needs of the practices patients.
To provideclinical care for practice patients. Diabetes, COPD, IUD and Implanon fittingexperience preferred but clinical caseload according to current skills andfuture ambitions, within the context of the whole nursing team.
To implementnew clinical services after agreement by the practice.
To act asthe practice lead for better working with other nursing services providing carefor our patients.
Attendpractice/primary care meetings updating the partners and management withrelevant information.
Have regularmeetings with the nursing team to understand any clinical or organisationproblems.
Work closelywith the practice manager to manage staff within the nursing team.
Participatein the recruitment of new staff when the need arises and ensure that they areinducted fully into the practice.
Work with managementto ensure, through the appraisal process, that all staff have a training planand keep themselves professionally updated.
Ensure thatall staff have refresher training in core work activities such as health and safety,manual handling, resuscitation etc.
Identifytraining needs of the nursing team and actively promote life-long learning, andcontinuous improvement.
Support the practicemanager where necessary so that all staff who have been absent have a return towork interview and are supported appropriately when they return to work.
Practiceindependently in accordance with UKCC code of conduct and with reference to practiceguidelines, appropriately referring to GPs and other professionals.
The work ofthe team includes:
ChronicDisease Management:
Working withother health care professionals and in line with policy, to diagnose, monitorand manage patients with:
The post holderwill have a leading role in ensuring high standards of care including achievingQOF targets in all disease areas.
Wound Careand Management:
Assessingroutine wounds including trauma.
Assessing tosupport good wound management in complex situations.
Preventionand Health Promotion:
Working withpatients to develop a management plan where health problems or potential healthproblems are identified.
Identifyinghealth trends and public health issues and working with the team and others to combatthese and promote increased physical activity, healthy eating, smokingcessation, safe alcohol drinking and sexual health.
Recognisingissues and gathering sufficient information to refer (eg drugs;
domestic violence; child protection; vulnerable adults; social problems).
Ensure thePractice delivers on its role as part of the national screening program.
Provision ofspecialist and evidence-based support to the team.
Immunisation(Adult and Child):
Working withpublic health initiatives ensuring the work of the team is up to date.
Leading theteam in achieving the immunisation guidelines and targets.
MinorSurgical and Nursing Procedures:
Leading thedevelopment of the nurses role in the delivery of the service.
MentalHealth; Learning Difficulties; Physical Disability:
Ensuringthat appropriate systems are in place for effective patient care andmonitoring.
Implementnew clinical services and continually improve quality of existing services:
Implementnew clinical services after agreement by the practice.
Lead on thedevelopment of the nursing team (as the service needs change and evolve).Attend meetings and disseminating to the practice.
Advanceclinical nursing practice in the wider nursing team through the development ofshared, evidence-based practice guidelines.
Lead thedevelopment and monitoring of key quality markers for clinical practice.
Plan,develop, implement, and evaluate new health promotion and chronic diseasemanagement services.
Activelyparticipate in educational programmes for whole Primary Health Care Team,including medical students and GP Registrars, in relation to areas of clinicaland practice nursing expertise.
Provideprofessional advice to the partners on practice developments, recommendingchanges to working practices in line with evidence based knowledge.
Developlinks with other local organisations that deliver health improvement programmesand/or work on the improving the wider determinants of health to ensure thatPractice services are synergistic with those wider services as far as possible
To read andfollow all standard operating procedures, including CQCprotocols, at all times,maintaining the highest levels of service delivery to patients, doctors, staffand external providers.
To read andfollow the approved Information Governance policy, at all times maintaining thehighest levels of confidentiality regarding patient, colleague and commercialinformation and to report any breach or suspected breach immediately.
At alltimes, to maintain the highest standards of behaviour, to comply with andfollow practice policies, protocols and procedures health & safety,equality & diversity and to report any breach or suspected breachimmediately.
To providecover for members of the nursing team during periods of sickness and annualleave.
To undertakeregular mandatory training and personal development, to keep PDP andprofessional registration up to date and to attend staff meetings. To achieveLevel 2 in safeguarding children training within 6 weeks of being in post.
To undertakeany other activities that may from time to time be reasonably requested by the managementteam or the Partners.
Person Specification
1. Up-to-date training in childhood immunisations
2. Health promotion
3. Family planning
4. Working with SystmOne
5. RGN Qualification
6. Current NMC registration
7. Accredited training in chronic disease management
8. Cervical cytology qualification
9. Accredited training in anticoagulation management