Join to apply for the Safeguarding Midwife role at Charity Society
An integral part of the Safeguarding Children Team, working closely with the wider safeguarding children and adult teams. Supporting the Specialist Midwife Safeguarding and Named Professionals Safeguarding Children to deliver the Maternity Safeguarding agenda across the organisation. Supporting the identification of vulnerability for women, unborn & newborn babies, and their families to ensure early intervention and improve outcomes.
A child's right centred and Think Family approach to providing safeguarding support, advice, and guidance within maternity. Work in collaboration with multi-agency partners to ensure robust planning, assessment, and risk management prior to birth. Complete accurate and robust contemporaneous safeguarding record keeping at all times. Ensure that there is accurate and timely pre-birth assessment in order to safeguard and protect vulnerable unborn & newborn babies and their families.
Attendance at multi-agency meetings, including professional meetings, risk management meetings, Strategy meetings, and Pre-Discharge Planning Meetings. Compilation of multi-agency chronologies, applying robust information gathering, risk assessment & providing analysis. Assisting in the development and provision of Safeguarding Training, which is bespoke to the safeguarding children and maternity safeguarding agenda, and delivered through a variety of methods, utilising current themes from learning and feedback from practitioners.
Working closely with the multi-disciplinary team and our multi-agency partners to embed evidence-based safeguarding practice and ensure that local and national learning is implemented. Assist in the collection of robust data pertaining to maternity & safeguarding. Contributing to audit and quality assurance processes to improve outcomes. Support and assist the Specialist & Named Safeguarding Midwives in the review and evaluation of safeguarding practice within maternity.
Demonstrate a robust knowledge of vulnerability assessment, analysis, and the importance of individualised decision making. Demonstrate a robust knowledge and understanding of the key relevant safeguarding legislation. Demonstrate a robust knowledge and understanding of local and national safeguarding policies and procedures. Support the update and compilation of new policy and procedure.
Supporting the provision of Safeguarding Supervision and reflective discussion within maternity. Demonstrate an understanding and ability to apply the Signs of Safety framework within practice. Ensure that accurate and meaningful safeguarding contacts/referrals are made, with the support, education, and empowerment for the maternity teams. Demonstrate the ability to seek outcomes of referrals/safeguarding contacts, apply analysis and critical thinking to determine safety, engage in respectful professional challenge/escalation when appropriate, to ensure that unborn & newborn babies, children, young people, and vulnerable families are safeguarded.
Recognising and responding appropriately to Bruising in Non-Mobile Infants, utilising the appropriate pathway to support practitioners. Recognising and responding appropriately to Domestic Abuse within pregnancy. A good understanding of the processes regarding Female Genital Mutilation. Recognising and responding appropriately to concealment of pregnancy. Support the functions of MARAC & MAPPA, relevant to maternity practice.
Engage in risk assessment, management & planning when appropriate, to respond to risks around violence, identified in other arenas i.e. MARAC, MAPPA, information sharing in MASH/Strategy. Accurate and timely compilation of Birth Response Plans to ensure the communication of key information to protect the safety of vulnerable babies, women, families, and staff members within the organisation and across the multi-agency. Demonstrates excellent communication skills within the Maternity Safeguarding Team, the wider organisation, and multi-agency partners.
Has a good understanding of the importance of escalation and information sharing within the team when concerns are identified. Demonstrate knowledge and understanding, and provide support to practitioners regarding the Mental Health Act & Mental Capacity Act. Supports practitioners caring for vulnerable women & their families; applies a sound knowledge regarding consent, Mental Capacity Act assessment, best interest decision-making, and Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards. Also has a relevant awareness of Liberty Protection Safeguards.
To support practitioners in the compilation of safeguarding statements and preparation for court. Support the Specialist & Named Safeguarding Midwives in the implementation of learning from internal incidents, local and national reviews. Support the Maternity Safeguarding Team in the development and dissemination of relevant maternity resources across the maternity agenda. Demonstrates an understanding and applies skills in conflict resolution.
Maintain a current professional knowledge base and competency level, underpinned by current evidence. Identify personal development needs and promote personal professional development by completing relevant reading and attending appropriate courses and study days. Demonstrate a robust knowledge, understanding, and the ability to apply clinical governance standards.
Seniority level
* Entry level
Employment type
* Contract
Job function
* Health Care Provider