To utilise the Prepping Application to view all clinics for the next 7 days, allocated by the Prepping Team Leader. To utilise the Prepping Application to view a summary count of all allocated clinics, by specialty, on a specified day to enable own daily workload review. To print an up to date clinic attendance list prior to preparing clinic. To request the allocated clinic case notes from Central Records Library. To check Corporate Services for any case notes that are located at peripheral hospitals and request them to be sent to the Derriford Prepping team in time for the clinic deadlines. To manually raise any new folders for patients without notes and trace on iPM. Trace the notes into the Bircham House or Level 7 Derriford Hospital and store on specialty allocated areas. To prepare case notes for allocated specialty clinics. To follow the correct procedure as outlined in the appropriate APN when identifying a patient with an alert on iPM. Once received organising contents of the patient case notes to comply with the Trust standard filing format. To ensure that patient front sheet and labels correspond with the patient details on iPM and the referral letter, making changes to iPM if necessary. To ensure that the correct chapter card relating to the current appointment is inserted into the patient case notes. To ensure that outcome forms are inserted into the patient case notes prior to the appointment (if required as some specialties will now be using electronic outcomes) to meet the current RTT pathway. Where applicable 2WW outcome forms will need to be added to the patient case notes. Place fully prepped notes into Blue Boxes, labelled and colour coded for the relevant clinic and day of the week, for transportation to the Derriford Prepping Office on L7 ensuring boxes are stored in the relevant area in date order ready for collection. To assist in mentoring and training other members of staff, as requested by the Team Leader. To ensure that a clear understanding is obtained surrounding data quality and data protection and be able to work to this guidance. To have a knowledge and understanding of the APNs (Administrative Procedure Notes) regarding the preparation and management of patient case notes. (In house manuals are available for reference). To ensure that iPM is kept up to date with the movement of patient case notes both into and out of the department. To ensure that any loose filing is placed in the appropriate section of the patient case notes and to repairs are made to any damaged case notes. To split any oversized case note before it is sent to the Derriford Prepping Office. To achieve 100% of case note availability for all clinics including clinics taking place at peripheral hospitals. To action any post, telephone, e-mail or written requests for patient case notes promptly from other areas/hospitals. Please see attached job description for full details.