Whilst not exhaustive, the following duties represent an indication of the key duties and responsibilities expected of the post holder. Energy and Environment Responsible for development and implementation of Energy and sustainability policy Responsible for Energy and Utility budgets Trust lead on matters relating to Energy and Utility management Management of energy and utility contracts and accounts Use of Key Performance Indicators to demonstrate energy performance on a monthly basis Working with staff and management at all levels to develop a carbon reduction strategy within the Trust Use of BMS and other systems to ensure optimum energy use and produce recommendations to Estates Manager on changes required The post holder is the nominated person for CHPQA and Climate Change Levy exemption application. Research to identify and apply for funding opportunities Delivery of NHS energy saving targets and CO2 targets Research and Evaluation of new technologies Forecast budget outturn to identify Spend to Save available funding and demonstrate business case for adequate provision of funds Development of business cases for the implementation of CO2 and energy reduction projects alongside implementation of energy management schemes Monitoring and targeting of all energy and utilities Use of benchmarking to identify, and where possible adopt, best practice Working with capital project managers and maintenance staff to ensure energy conservation is appropriately incorporated within engineering and construction schemes Influencing procurement to improve sustainability Energy surveys as required to meet statutory requirements throughout the Trust Sustainability Lead, advise and advocate sustainable practice across Atlas and the Trust estate. Developing and implementing sustainability strategies and programmes. Support the client in the delivery of the Green plan. Integrate sustainability goals into business processes by leading the Atlas sustainability plan and provide evidence of delivery through updating the sustainability dashboard. Organise the training and upskilling of Atlas employees on energy saving and sustainability issues Ensure the Trust sustainability steering group is adequately represented on behalf of Atlas. Grown the relationship between the Atlas and the Trust green leads. Own, lead and move forward the Sustainability Action plan using the agreed SDAT (Sustainable Development Assessment Tool). Lead and organise the Atlas Sustainability Group ensuring action plans are lead and progressed. Ensure relevant initiatives are identified to deliver on the Atlas sustainability and support the Green Plan and they are costed within the sustainability budget. Environmental and Energy Compliance Monitor compliance with environmental and social standards Identification of statutory and NHS standards applicable to Estates function Working with Estates staff and other stakeholders ensure policies, procedures and systems of evidencing compliance are in place Risk rating of any non-compliance and, with responsible manager, development and monitoring of action plans relating to Estates and sustainability governance Use of IT systems to collect, report, and monitor compliance evidence Sustainability and Energy Reporting and Data management Prepare sustainability reports (reporting) and ensure Atlas has quality data Collection and validation of data for loading on to ERIC and similar database Generation of reports on request from data stored Use of data to assist Finance department to re-charge site overheads including energy and utilities to end users. Structure of data stored