Description Grade and Salary: Grade 7 (£36,924-£46,485) FTE and working pattern: Full time 35 hours per week (1FTE), fixed term contract for 3.5 years Detailed Description: The industrialisation of offshore wind extraction has the potential to reshape the marine environment and understanding the ecological and socio-economic impacts of offshore wind development is crucial to ensure a more sustainable use of marine resources. Funded by The Crown Estate and the Natural Environment Research Council (NERC), The Ecological Effects of Floating Offshore Wind (ECOFlow) is an ambitious research programme focussed on improving our knowledge of how marine ecosystems respond to the expansion of floating offshore wind (FLOW) in UK waters. One of two projects funded under this call, Frontline is seeking a 43-month post-doctoral research assistant to study links between FLOW, marine predators (including fisheries) and ocean fronts. We are looking for an experienced post-doctoral spatial ecologists with expertise in managing and analysing movement data from birds and fisheries and therefore be expert in the use of R, MATLAB or other programming languages. The following is a list of deliverables which provide an illustration of the required work and comenserate skillset: Analysing speed and turning angle of tracked seabirds and fisheries to infer behavioural states. Map seabird and fishery distribution and behaviour in relation to proposed FLOW sites and ocean fronts. Estimate energy expenditure of seabirds and investigate how this may change in the event of displacement by FLOW. Estimate seabird flight heights from bird-borne pressure sensors. Estimate collision risk taking account of flight height and modelled movement of FLOW turbines. Analyse bird-borne CTD data and link with in situ oceanography. Support seabird tracking fieldwork (catching, deploying tags etc.). Analyse DAS to extract marine vert assemblage level data. Apply the Relative Benthic Status tool to evaluate the current status the seabed caused by fishing gear. Infer changes in biomass post fishing removal as a result of windfarm construction and reassign fishing activity. Convene meetings with key industry representatives and fishermen to ascertain how well the VMS and AIS maps reflect current patterns of activity. Establish from landings data the main species landed from the windfarm affected area and likely changes in landings in areas where fishing is displaced. Moreover, the candidate must be able to work effectively with a diverse research team, a wide range of stakeholders and have good convening skills and empathy with fishing stakeholders. Please note that this job description is not exhaustive, and the role holder may be required to undertake other relevant duties commensurate with the grading of the post. Activities may be subject to amendment over time as the role develops and/or priorities and requirements evolve. A flexible working schedule may be required to meet all key duties and responsibilities. Applications will be shortlisted using the criteria below. Please ensure it is clear in your CV or cover letter how you meet the criteria. Essential criteria: PhD or equivalent qualification/experience in a related field of study. Sufficient knowledge in the discipline and of research methods and techniques to work within established research programmes. Experience of applying health & safety legislation to fieldwork Experience communicating material of a specialist or highly technical nature – written and verbal. Experience of managing research and administrative activities, balancing competing pressures of research and administrative demands and deadlines. Understanding of equal opportunity issues that can impact on areas of research content Publication track record Desirable criteria: Experience of undergraduate teaching Contact for enquiries: Expressions of interest and other queries should be sent by email to Professor Steve Votier ( ). Applications should consist of a covering letter describing your interest and suitability for the post, CV, publication list submitted via the Heriot-Watt University website. About our School/Directorate and Team: Based at Heriot-Watt's Edinburgh Campus, Heriot-Watt University and the British Geological Survey (BGS) joined forces in 2015 to create a new research platform, the Lyell Centre for Earth and Marine Science and Technology, to become one of Europe's leading centres for research and expertise in the earth and marine sciences. The Lyell Centre promotes innovative research at the core of geoscience, marine and terrestrial ecology, computing, mathematics and engineering. Together with our colleagues at BGS, the Centre aims to create a world-leading research cluster bringing science and technology together to tackle major issues of natural resource and energy supply in a responsible and sustainable way. The new fusion of pure and applied expertise between Heriot-Watt and the BGS provides an opportunity to develop and use innovative methods and new technologies to create real-world solutions to address global challenges The Lyell Centre’s research themes are clustered in two main areas: Applied Geoscience and Ecosystems Science. New research laboratories in Biogeochemistry, Marine Sciences, and GeoEnergy are fundamental components to facilitate and catalyse advancement of research and outreach in the Lyell Centre. We host a cohort of around 50 PhD students in various disciplines. We provide some undergraduate teaching and will this year begin two new masters programmes in Global Environmental Change and Policy, and Marine Resource Management and Policy. It is expected postdocs will gain some teaching experience during their time here. Further information can be obtained at: How to Apply Applications with FULL CV (and Cover letter) can be submitted up to midnight (UK time) on Monday, 14 th April 2025. Shortlisting is anticipated the same week and interviews are anticipated to be conducted w/c 28 th April 2025. At Heriot-Watt we are passionate about our values and look to them to connect our people globally and to help us collaborate and celebrate our success through working together. Our research programmes can deliver real world impact which is achieved through the diversity of our international community and the recognition of creative talent that connects our global team. Our flourishing community will give you the freedom to challenge and to bring your enterprising mind and to help our partners with solutions that can be applied now and in the future. Join us and Heriot Watt will provide you with a platform to thrive and work in a way that also helps you live your life in balance with well-being and inclusiveness at the heart of our global community. Heriot-Watt University is committed to securing equality of opportunity in employment and to the creation of an environment in which individuals are selected, trained, promoted, appraised and otherwise treated on the sole basis of their relevant merits and abilities. Equality and diversity are all about maximising potential and creating a culture of inclusion for all. Heriot-Watt University values diversity across our University community and welcomes applications from all sectors of society, particularly from underrepresented groups. For more information, please see our website and also our award-winning work in Disability Inclusive Science Careers We welcome and will consider flexible working patterns e.g. part-time working and job share options.