Leadership Work with local delivery group partners to develop services locally in line with Primary Care Network developments Provide leadership to teams Lead and coordinate service development initiatives Ensure that the support and development of staff and students takes place Contribute to the implementation of national initiativesCommunication Develop and maintain effective communication with the organisations and with external agencies which informs, promotes and influences positive change. Work alongside other operational managers and professional leaders to further develop the integrated care pathway and deliver safe and effective services that deliver the overall strategic plan for both organisations. When required, represent NCH&C and NCC at local, regional and national events. Work collaboratively with CCGs, GPs and relevant acute and mental health trusts to develop pathways of care to meet the needs of the Norfolk population. Lead regular communication to locality staff, keeping them informed of organisational changes and ensure that the appropriate feedback mechanisms are in place for staff to raise any queries.Organisational Manage human resource issues; such as performance issues, attendance, appraisals, etc working with HR Teams on a day-to-day basis. Identify clinical and service development opportunities, creating an environment that fosters positive change. Identify and explore business opportunities under the direction of the Assistant Director.Working Relationships To develop strong relationships with all levels of the NHS and key local players including Norfolk County Council Social Services, General Practitioners, Borough and District Councils, Voluntary Organisations, internal and external auditors, NHS Trusts and other providers including the voluntary sector. To promote integrated working in the interests of timely and effective patient / client care and best of use resources. To ensure and maintain involvement of staff in decision making regarding service planning and delivery. To ensure effective liaison with acute hospitals to ensure timely transfer of care along the relevant care pathway and that issues are escalated appropriately and in a timely manner. To take a lead in developing working partnerships with patients, acute trusts, voluntary organisations, private providers and councils to develop new ways of working across the local health economy area, ensuring the involvement of service users and acting as Trust Lead where appropriate.Policy and Service Development To take the lead for NCH&C and NCC on specific areas of policy and service development / issues as agreed with the LOD. To implement and evaluate service plans and service strategies. To lead or participate on working groups proposing policy changes ensuring that any impact on the Locality are taken into consideration. To utilise patient / client involvement and user feedback in the development, planning and improvement of service delivery. In support of other areas to be responsible for the development of Trust and NCC strategies, ensuring there is full clinical and management engagement and that it takes account of local and national trends and initiatives. To be responsible for the financial and physical resources of the Locality unit, ensuring robust financial and performance monitoring arrangements are maintained. To manage a delegated budget. To ensure staff skills and used to best effect, whatever their professional background. To ensure the effective and efficient use of services within the allocated resources, identifying cost efficiencies to meet financial targets and ensuring financial stability within the context of positive change and development.Performance Management Working within an agreed framework, to be accountable for performance delivery within the locality. To ensure that services within the locality are meeting targets identified within the appropriate service level agreement or contractual agreement. To ensure that corrective action is being taken where targets are not being met and to ensure that NCH&C and Social Services service and business plans reflect performance improvement initiatives. To ensure that services meet the highest standards in respect of organisational governance. To ensure that all services work to a consistent quality and delivery appropriate clinical outcomes. To identify areas for service improvement and modernisation, linking closely to Clinical Governance and HR Leads.Human Resources Lead responsibility for ensuring that directly managed staff have regular appraisals and personal development plan, in which their performance and development needs are assessed and followed-up; including training requirements. Lead responsibility for ensuring a proactive approach to the recruitment, selection and induction of staff; having assessed the impact of staff vacancies and reviewed the skill mix. To support the LOD in the investigation and management of service user complaints, disciplinary and grievance issues.