The post holder is responsible for the delivery of safe, clinically and cost effective and compassionate care within the service providing assurance evidence in this regard to the Director of Mental Health and Learning Disabilities. This includes but is not limited to health care acquired infection, privacy and dignity including single sex accommodation, nutrition, patient involvement, service user engagement, learning and improving service quality by learning from incidents and complaints and embedding a Quality Improvement approach in services. As part of the Divisional Leadership Team, the Head of Nursing and Quality drives the strategic direction of the Division which must be consistent with the organisations Strategy and Partnership arrangements. The Head of Nursing and Quality has line management responsibility for Clinical Leads/ Matron/ Quality Improvement Leads and the Lived Experience Lead, as designated and responsibility for the delivery of quality nursing services within the Division. The Head of Nursing and Quality establishes and fosters an effective working relationship with colleagues from the multi-disciplinary team across the services managed within the Division, utilising their negotiating and influencing skills to secure and support change and improvement in care and service delivery. We are happy to talk Flexible Working - all requests for flexible working options can be discussed as part of the interview process.