Job summary
Whitby Coast and Moors Primary Care Network are looking torecruit an enthusiastic and compassionate Occupational Therapist. Our PCN issetting up a new multidisciplinary holistic care team to provide dedicatedsupport and care for patients with complex needs. The team will care primarily,but not exclusively, for older adults.
You will have the opportunity to share in the development ofthis new team which will focus on health, wellbeing and independence.
You will need to have clarity ofprofessional identity and be comfortable working with a degree of uncertaintyas new services are tested and developed.
In this new team there will beplenty of opportunity to use your service development, leadership and excellentclinical skills as you work with others to improve outcomes for patients.
If you are excited by the chance to work in abrand new team designed to make a real difference to patients' lives, and basedin a beautiful area, please consider this role.
Main duties of the job
We recognise the unique role ofoccupational therapy in primary care in providing holistic patient centredcare.
The successful candidate will bethe first occupational therapist to work in the PCN and will have theopportunity to develop a role that can evolve to meet the needs of the localpopulation.
The PCN occupational therapist willbe involved in a wide range of work to improve the outcomes of patients whorequire support with their everyday lives. They will work with others in themulti-professional team to deliver safe and effective therapeuticinterventions.
About us
Whitby Coast and Moors PCNcomprises 4 GP practices in Whitby and the surrounding area. Our memberpractices are Whitby Group Practice, Esk Valley Medical Practice, StaithesSurgery and Sleights and Sandsend Medical Practice. Our population facesparticular challenges relating to higher than average chronic disease, coastaldeprivation and rural isolation.
As a forward-thinking PCN we areopen to exploring new ways of working together and see the development of ournew team as a fantastic opportunity to improve the health of our population andmake a real difference to our patients' lives.
Our well-run practices arelocated in a stunningly beautiful area where staff turnover rates are low. Weare proud to achieve consistently high feedback from our patients. We welcomeany informal enquiries and visits relating to this exciting new role.
Job description
Job responsibilities
The post holder will beresponsible for delivering bespoke clinical care interventions within the remitof the new multi-professional team.
The role will involve clinicalassessment, rehabilitation and proactive work in areas including frailty,chronic illness and social isolation.
The post holder will work withindividuals and with team colleagues to assess needs, agree goals and implementpatient centred therapeutic programmes of intervention. They will evaluateprogress and outcomes and use learning to shape the development of the service.
They will work closely with theteam and with other key groups including the GP practices, community services,voluntary services and social care.
The post holder will be proactiveand self motivated. They will use their skills and experience to develop thePCN OT role within the locality. They will regularly contribute to MDT meetingsand will have the opportunity to support OT students undertaking role emergentprimary care placements.
The post holder will work to professional andregulatory body codes, standards and guidance at all times, ensuring that theirpractice is grounded in evidenced based theoretical and practical knowledge
Person Specification
Knowledge and Skills
1. Ability to work well as an individual and within a team
2. Ability to adapt and respond to change
3. Ability to work across different sites and locations
4. Post graduate experience as an OT in a range of clinical settings including work with older adults
5. Experience of working withing a multi disciplinary team
6. Experience of service development
7. Experience of working in a community setting
8. Leadership, supervision and teaching experience
9. Degree or equivalent in Occupational Therapy
10. HCPC registration
11. Postgraduate qualification in a relevant domain