1. To provide professional, operational and clinical leadership to staff across services. 2. To facilitate the development and monitoring of non-clinical and clinical standards through the process of clinical audit and service review. 3. To carry out regular agreed audits that will identify areas of good practice or the need for action. 4. To monitor and take action ensuring national and local performance targets are achieved. 5. To actively seek the view of Service Users and Carers in the development and monitoring of services to ensure that a high standard is maintained. 6. To be a point of contact for service users carers and their families if they have any concerns about their care, and to offer reassurance or negotiate a satisfactory solution. 7. To utilise effective and well-established communication skills and to relay sensitive or contentious information to staff, service users or their carers. 8. To use well-established verbal and non-verbal communication skills to interact with staff, service users or their families where there may be barriers to understanding. 9. To provide verbal or written reports as requested by other departments or Service Leads on a variety of issues, e.g., complaints, incidents or investigations, ensuring investigations are completed within required timescales. 10. To maintain a high level of expertise/knowledge in the area of work ie, policies and procedures, clinical practice and staff management, in order to ensure delivery of high standards of practice in all areas. 11. To ensure that clinical and non-clinical risk is identified and dealt with appropriately. To report any risk that cannot be managed at an acceptable level without external support. 12. To exercise sound judgement skills to effectively manage the factors which have an impact on service delivery e.g. finances, resources, service user dependency and staff sickness/absence levels. 13. To manage the performance of staff members utilising the relevant trust HR policies and procedures in areas such as sickness/absence, disciplinary, and capability and any other relevant areas and report any concerns accordingly. 14. To identify areas for service development in the area of responsibility and liaise with other lead personnel to progress this development. 15. To be accountable for high standards of service delivery. 16. To contribute to developments across the workforce and new ways of working. 17. To contribute to the development and monitoring of the trusts framework for service governance that encompasses a process of continuous quality improvement. 18. To be accessible to service users, carers and staff in order to provide assistance, advice and support, including establishing links and open communication with relevant service user and carer forums. 19. To collaborate with training providers and academic institutions to plan, co-ordinate and deliver training programmes in line with evidence based practice. 20. To promote the mental and physical well-being of service users by ensuring health promotion, psychological, rehabilitation and educational needs are addressed, through the implementation of the recovery model and the delivery of service. 21. To participate in local implementation of trust policy and ensure it is adhered to within the Service and to provide feedback, as requested, on trust policies, to ensure that the views of local services are represented. 22. To manage the process of recruitment ensuring all relevant trust policies and procedures are followed. To ensure all new staff receives induction, participating as necessary. To ensure this is recorded on personal files. 23. To ensure that all staff within the sphere of responsibility, have an annual Personal Development Plan that incorporates their training and development needs and that staff participate in the supervision process in accordance with the trust policy. 24. To provide verbal and written feedback to appropriate individuals following formal meetings e.g., sickness and absence or performance issues. 25. To exercise judgement in the interpretation of policies and procedures influencing the role, seeking advice and assistance as appropriate and to contribute to the development of protocols and service specifications. 26. To contribute to the business plan and ensure it is cascaded to all staff whilst ensuring that staff have every opportunity to influence the process. 27. To work collaboratively with relevant others, to ensure that best practice and evidence based research forms the basis for the care and treatment of service users and carers. 28. To provide feedback, as requested on both Local Authority and Trust Policies, to ensure that the views of local services are represented. These policies include Health and Safety, data collection, confidentiality, recruitment and selection, sickness/absence, discipline and grievance for example. 29. To ensure that a system of caseload management is in place for all team members. 30. To contribute where appropriate to the organisation and management of the AMHP rota on a local basis and for Approved Mental Health Professionals to participate in the AMHP Rota. 31. To manage where appropriate the budgets relating to the Community Mental Health Team, including developed budget from Social Care. To manage the resources which may impact on this. Report to Community Services Manager issues which may have an impact on budgets. 32. Where appropriate to participate in the management of the Community Care Budget, prioritising funds for Community Care packages and maintaining relevant documentation and record keeping.